RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0: This will mainly multiply RAND() with 9999 to generate only 4-digit random numbers. ROUND(RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0): This will remove the extra decimal numbers and generate only the 4-digit numbers. Method 5 – Generate 4 Digit Random Number Using LEFT ...
strResult = strResult & CStr(GetOneRandomDigit(oRecord, nIndex <> 1))Next MyRandomNumber = strResult End Function 3、键入Alt+Q退出VBA编辑器;4、在需要使用的单元格输入公式:=MyRandomNumber(4),回车;5、自动生成了一个四位随机数,各个数位均不重复。6、向下拖动复制可以生成一列随机...
For nIndex = 1 To nDigits strResult = strResult & CStr(GetOneRandomDigit(oRecord, nIndex <> 1)) Next MyRandomNumber = strResultEnd Function3、键入Alt+Q退出VBA编辑器;4、在需要使用的单元格输入公式:=MyRandomNumber(4),回车;5、自动生成了一个四位随机数,各个数位均不重复。6、向下拖动复制可...
Instead of putting 50 and 80, we multiply them by 100 and put 5000 and 8000 here. This is because Randbetween(5000,8000) will result in a 4-digit number. By dividing the 4-digit number by 100, we will get a 2 digit number with 2 decimal places. Take cell A6 as an example, Randb...
1.) To generate random whole numbers between 50 and 200, please use this formula: =RandomNumbers(50,200,0) 2.) To insert random numbers between 50 and 200 with 2 decimal places, please apply the below formula: =RandomNumbers(50,200,2) 4. At last, drag and copy the formula to other...
ROUND函数:ROUND(number, num_digits),将数字四舍五入到指定的位数 第一个参数是数值,第二个是小数位数,表示保留小数的位置,四舍五入之后,后面的位数将被丢弃 例:对数值3.1415926 进行函数操作: 四舍五入取两位:=ROUND(A2,2) 我们把B2单元格复制到C2,保存为数值格式,可以看到这个数值只有小数两位,即后面的位...
ROUND函数:ROUND(number, num_digits),将数字四舍五入到指定的位数 第一个参数是数值,第二个是小数位数,表示保留小数的位置,四舍五入之后,后面的位数将被丢弃 例:对数值3.1415926 进行函数操作: 四舍五入取两位:=ROUND(A2,2) 我们把B2单元格复制到C2,保存为数值格式,可以看到这个数值只有小数两位,即后面的位...
random_digit_not_null():1~9的随机数 random_int():随机数字,默认0~9999,可以通过设置min,max来设置 random_number():随机数字,参数digits设置生成的数字位数 pyfloat():随机Float数字 pyint():随机Int数字(参考random_int()参数) pydecimal():随机Decimal数字(参考pyfloat参数) ...
Lastly, the above formula returns a random number containing the length of Cell B5. Method 3 – Using ROUND & RAND Functions in Excel. Steps: Enter the below formula in Cell B5 and press Enter. =ROUND(RAND()*(99999-10000)+10000,0) You will see the below 5-digit numbers. Formula Brea...