语法:Close [filenumberlist] filenumberlist 参数为一个或多个文件号,若省略 filenumberlist,则将关闭 Open 语句打开的所有活动文件。 说明:打开文件后,必须在使用完后关闭文件。 示例: Dim I, FileName For I = 1 To 3 FileName = "TEST" & I ' 创建文件名。 Open FileName For Output As #I ' ...
" Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub CmdSelectAll_Click() '选择 lstaccname 中的所有项目 If Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全选" Then For i = 0 To LstAccName.ListCount - 1 LstAccName.Selected(i) = True Next Me.CmdSelectAll.Caption = "全消" Else For i = 0 To Lst...
1、random模块 1importrandom,string2print(string.printable)#代表所有的 数字+字母+特殊字符3 4print(random.randint(1,10))#从1-10随机取一个整数5print(random.uniform(1,99))#随机取一个小数 #>>>73.59287090124426print(round(random.uniform(1,99),2))#配合round(),表示随机取小数点后2位的小数#>>>...
hanruikaideMacBook-Pro:bin hanruikai$ pip3Usage:pip[options]Commands:install Install packages.download Download packages.uninstall Uninstall packages.freeze Output installed packagesinrequirements format.list List installed packages.show Show information about installed packages.check Verify installed packages ha...
Math and trigonometry: Returns a random number between the numbers you specify RANK.AVG (2010) Statistical: Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers RANK.EQ (2010) Statistical: Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers RANK Compatibility: Returns the rank of a numbe...
Finally, you can also generate a list of random names using a third-party website such asFake Name Generatoror a tool such asChatGPT. Note that the names you get from these third-party tools are going to be random, and the data is not takenfrom any databaseor list of actual people’...
Image.open()是 PIL 里面打开一张图片的函数,支持多种图片类型 img_path是图片路径,可以是相对路径,也可以是绝对路径 img.size是获取图片的size属性,包含图片的宽和高 img.getpixel()是获取图片色彩值的函数,需传入一个tuple或list,值为像素坐标xy
格的值 value = table.cell_value(2, 1) print("第3行2列值为",value) # 获取表格行数 nrows = table.nrows print("表格一共有",nrows,"行") # 获取第4列所有值(列表生成式) name_list = [str(table.cell_value(i, 3)) for i in range(1, nrows)] print("第4列所有的值:",name_list)...
Math and trigonometry: Returns a random number between the numbers you specify RANK.AVG (2010) Statistical: Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers RANK.EQ (2010) Statistical: Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers RANK Compatibility: Returns the rank of a numbe...