您可能需要在Microsoft Excel中对所选内容中的单元格进行随机排序。 以下方法将帮助您轻松快速地将范围内的单元格随机化。 使用Rand函数和Sort命令对范围的每一列中的单元格进行随机排序 使用Kutools for Excel 轻松对范围内的每列或行中的单元格进行随机排序 使用Kutools for Excel 轻松对某个范围的整个行或列进行...
The code has picked4 random namesfrom theselected list. If you Run the Macro again, you will get a different output each time. Method 3 – Insert VBA to Select Random Names One by One from a List We’ll selectrandom namesone by one from a list and will show them in adestination ran...
How to Go to Last Non Empty Cell in Column in Excel (9 Easy Ways) How to Select Only Filtered Cells in Excel Formula (5 Methods) How to Select Highlighted Cells in Excel (4 Easy Methods) How to Select Random Cells in Excel (5 Ways) How to Select Large Data in Excel Without Draggin...
Step 1:Select the cell where you want to see the result of all the random cells. Step 2:Now, enter the SUM function in the chosen cell. Step 3:For this method, press and hold the Ctrl key and select each random cell one by one for which you want to make the summation. Step 4:...
3. 然後,關閉代碼並返回工作表,在空白單元格中鍵入此公式 = RandomNumbers(X,Y,Z). 備註:在以上公式中, X 表示數字的下限, Y 表示數字的上限,和 Z 是隨機數的指定小數位,請將其更改為您需要的數字。 1.) 要生成 50 到 200 之間的隨機整數,請使用以下公式: ...
Now in any cell write this Excel formula =INDEX(A2:A7,RANDBETWEEN(1,6)) Now whenever you’ll do something in your sheet it will give a random name. Create Random Data - Example 2 I often need to create random data. So instead of copying I just use the above formula. I just locked...
Note.Please be aware that RANDBETWEEN is avolatilefunction, meaning it will recalculate with every change you make to the worksheet. As the result, your random selection will also change. To prevent this from happening, you can copy the extracted name and paste it as value to another cell (...
In the first cell of the inserted column, enter the RAND formula: =RAND()Copy the formula down the column. The fastest way to do this is by double-clicking the fill handle: Sort the column filled with random numbers in ascending order (descending sort would move the column headers at ...
Step 3: Drag down the first cell to populate the rest of the cells. Excel click and drag method Step 4: With the random values generated, select the entire range (random values). Excel selecting values Step 5: On the "Home" tab, select the "Sort & Filter" button under the "Editing...