Step 3:In thePage Setupmodal window, switch to theSheettab and spot the section forPrint titles. It includes row and column options. Note:Though we focus on the header row, the setting can also be applied to columns. Step 4:To set up printing of the top row on each page, click on ...
STEP 2: In the Page Setup dialog box, select Sheet.STEP 3: Select the collapse dialog box and pick the row you wish to repeat.STEP 4: Click OK.STEP 5: Press Ctrl + P to open Print Preview.As you can see we are on page 5 but the 1st row is still visible!Repeat column on ...
AppEvents_WorkbookRowsetCompleteEventHandler イベントのイベント ハンドラーWorkbookRowsetCompleteを追加するために使用されるデリゲート型。 WorkbookRowsetComplete イベントは、ユーザーがレコードセットをドリルスルーするか、OLAP ピボットテーブルで行セット アクションを呼び出すときに発生し...
Note: In the game, different point totals are assigned to each letter in the word. The points for a given letter are determined by the value of the letter's row times the letter's column. For example, a letter in row 3 column 4 is worth 3 x 4, or 12 points. ...
RowFields[Object] ピボットテーブル レポートの 1 つのフィールド (オブジェクト) または現在行フィールドとして表示されているすべてのフィールド ( PivotField オブジェクト) のコレクションを表すオブジェクトを PivotFields 返します。 読み取り専用です。 RowGrand True を指定 す...
RepeatItemsOnEachPrintedPage 当打印指定的数据透视表时,如果每页第一行上都显示行、列和项标志,则该值为 True。 如果仅在第一页上打印这些标志,则该值为 False。 默认值为 True。读/写 Boolean。 RowFields[Object] 返回一个 对象,该对象表示数据透视表中的单个字段 (PivotField 对象) 或对象 (PivotFields...
True if row, column, and item labels appear on the first row of each page when the specified PivotTable report is printed. False if labels are printed only on the first page. The default value is True. Read/write Boolean. RowFields[Object] Returns an object that represents either a sin...
The event is raised when the user either drills through the recordset or invokes the rowset action on an OLAP PivotTable. (Inherited from WorkbookEvents_Event) SheetActivate Occurs when any sheet is activated. (Inherited from WorkbookEvents_Event) SheetBeforeDelete Occurs before the worksheet...
True if row, column, and item labels appear on the first row of each page when the specified PivotTable report is printed. False if labels are printed only on the first page. The default value is True. Read/write Boolean. RowFields[Object] Returns an object that represents either a sin...
pageSetup.printArea = 'A1:G10&&A11:G20'; // Repeat specific rows on every printed page worksheet.pageSetup.printTitlesRow = '1:3'; // Repeat specific columns on every printed page worksheet.pageSetup.printTitlesColumn = 'A:C'; Supported pageSetup settings NameDefaultDescription margins ...