With the slicer drop-down, you can quickly and easily filter data by selecting one or more items in the drop-down list, which instantly updates the pivot table or chart. Consider the following dataset where a slicer can effectively filter movies by genre and actors. What Is a Slicer Drop ...
For each slicer you add to your workbook, Excel adds a SlicerCache object too, which controls which Pivottable(s) your slicer controls.So suppose we have a workbook with two Pivot caches. Pivotchache1 has two pivot tables: Pivottable1 and Pivottable2. As soon as you add a slicer to a...
Slicer SlicerCache SlicerCacheLevel SlicerCacheLevels SlicerCaches SlicerItem SlicerItems SlicerPivotTables Slicers SmartTag SmartTagAction SmartTagActions SmartTagOptions SmartTagRecognizer SmartTagRecognizers SmartTags Sort SortField SortFields SoundNote SparkAxes SparkColor SparkHorizontalAxis Sparkline S...
PivotTable.Slicers 属性 (Excel) 项目 2023/04/07 5 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 备注 返回指定数据透视表的 切片器 集合。 此为只读属性。语法表达式。切片器表达 一个代表 数据透视表 对象的变量。备注切片器可用于筛选数据透视表中的数据。 Slicers 集合包含的 Slicer 对象表示与该指定数据透视表关联的...
從SlicerPivotTables 集合移除樞紐分析表的參照。 語法 運算式。RemovePivotTable (樞紐分析表) 表達 代表SlicerPivotTables 物件的 變數。 參數 展開資料表 名稱必要/選用資料類型描述 PivotTable 必要 Variant 代表要移除之樞紐分析表的 PivotTable 物件,或集合中樞紐分析表的名稱或索引。 傳回值 無 註解 從Slice...
ISlicerPivotTables ISlicers ISmartTag ISmartTagAction ISmartTagActions ISmartTagOptions ISmartTagRecognizer ISmartTagRecognizers ISmartTags ISort ISortField ISortFields ISoundNote ISparkAxes ISparkColor ISparkHorizontalAxis ISparkline ISparklineGroup ISparklineGroups ISparkPoints ISparkVerticalAxis ISpeech I...
Excel slicers might have nothing to do with cake, but they’re a sweet way to visually segment selected portions of an Excel Table or Pivot Table. They can be used as alternatives to filters, but they are even better because they can be used to drill down into specific sections of a ...
Here's how you can filter the pivot table data by selecting one or more buttons in the slicer box: Excel slicers vs. PivotTable filters Basically, slicers and pivot table filters do the same thing - show some data and hide other. And each method has its strengths and weaknesses: ...
Check our courses in Excel and Microsoft Office Applications to learn what a Pivot table is and how to insert slicers. Also, you can learn what lookup functions are and how to use them using our Lookups in Excel – Beginner’s Guide. To know the most useful shortcuts in Excel, do ...
ISlicerPivotTables ISlicers ISmartTag ISmartTagAction ISmartTagActions ISmartTagOptions ISmartTagRecognizer ISmartTagRecognizers ISmartTags ISort ISortField ISortFields ISoundNote ISparkAxes ISparkColor ISparkHorizontalAxis ISparkline ISparklineGroup ISparklineGroups ISparkPoints ISparkVerticalAxis ISpeech I...