If yourecord a macrowhile using the Paste Special Menu, you can simply use the generated code. This is often the easiest way to use VBA to Paste Special. Paste Values Paste Values only pastes the cell “value”. If the cell contained a formula, Paste Values will paste the formula result...
All data are copied with values and formats using theVBA Paste Special. Read More:How to Use VBA PasteSpecial to Keep Source Formatting in Excel Method 2 – Using xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme in VBA Paste Special Steps: PressAlt+F11to enter the command module. Enter the following code on the ...
如果我粘贴一个标记的单元格,我想运行此行(仅粘贴该值): Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False 我在为Excel编写VBA宏方面不是很有经验(我希望我永远不会这样),所以如果有人指点,我会非常感激。
Shortcuts to open the Paste Special dialog box in Excel for Windows areAlt + E + SorCtrl + Alt + V.The Paste Special shortcut in Excel for Mac isCtrl + Cmd + V. Furthermore, if you want to directly copy-paste values or formats, you can use their respective paste special shortcut ...
VBA Code Explanation Sub Copy_Range_To_Clipboard1() Provides a name for the sub-procedure of the macro Range("B4:E11").Copy Defines the range of cells to copy. Range("G4").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Selects the specific cell and pastes the copied range of cells. ...
VBA在Excel中的应用(一) 目录 ActiveCell ActiveWorkbook AdvancedFilter AutoFill ActiveCell 1. 检查活动单元格是否存在 Sub activeCell() If ActiveCell Is Nothing Then End If End Sub 2. 通过指定偏移量设置活动单元格 Sub offset() ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset:=-2, ColumnOffset:=4).Activate...
9. Excel VBA - Paste Special image.png Subpastespecial()Range("a1:a10").CopyRange("b1:b10").pastespecial xlPasteFormatsRange("b1:b10").pastespecial xlPasteColumnWidthsRange("b1:b10").pastespecial xlPasteValues Application.CutCopyMode=FalseEndSub ...
#002 If VBA.IsError(Range("A1").Value) = True Then #003 MsgBox "A1单元格错误类型为:" & Range("A1").Text #004 Else #005 MsgBox "A1单元格公式结果为" & Range("A1").Value #006 End If #007 End Sub 复制代码 代码解析: FormulaIsError过程代码判断单元格A1中公式结果是否为错误,如果为错误...
版本2010 操作参照:文件-选项-快速访问工具栏-所有命令-粘贴值(PASTE VALUE)