仅选择可见单元格粘贴跳过的隐藏/过滤单元格和行 如果要粘贴的范围与复制的范围具有相同的过滤条件,例如,您将复制过滤后的价格并粘贴到过滤后的G列中,则可以通过跳过过滤的单元格和行来轻松粘贴,方法是仅选择可见的单元格,然后使用公式。 您可以执行以下操作: 1。 选择已过滤的范围G3:G24,然后按其他+;同时只选...
SubCopyFilteredCells()'Updateby20150203Dimrng1AsRangeDimrng2AsRangeDimInputRngAsRangeDimOutRngAsRange xTitleId="KutoolsforExcel"SetInputRng=Application.SelectionSetInputRng=Application.InputBox("Copy Range :",xTitleId,InputRng.Address,Type:=8)SetOutRng=Application.InputBox("Paste Range:",xTitleId,...
眾所周知,當我們嘗試將值粘貼到過濾的表列表中時,隱藏的行不會被跳過,因此我們將得到錯誤的結果。 例如,我有兩個工作表,工作表1包含已過濾掉的數據,工作表2包含我要粘貼到過濾後的工作表1的數據,如下面的屏幕截圖所示。 有什麼功能可以讓我們僅在Excel中將數據粘貼到過濾的行中? 使用助手列將數據粘貼到Excel中...
VBA:仅将值粘贴到可见单元格。 Sub CopyFilteredCells() Updateby20150203 Dim rng1 As Range Dim rng2 As Range Dim InputRng As Range Dim OutRng As Range xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel" Set InputRng = Application.Selection Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("Copy Range :", xTitleId, InputRng...
= 8) Set OutRng = Application.InputBox("Paste Range:", xTitleId, Type: = 8) For Each rng1 In InputRng rng1.Copy For Each rng2 In OutRng If rng2.EntireRow.RowHeight > 0 Then rng2.PasteSpecial Set OutRng = rng2.Offset(1).Resize(OutRng.Rows.Count) Exit For End If Next Next...
("Copy Range :",xTitleId,InputRng.Address,Type:=8)SetOutRng=Application.InputBox("Paste Range:",xTitleId,Type:=8)ForEachrng1InInputRng rng1.CopyForEachrng2InOutRngIfrng2.EntireRow.RowHeight>0Thenrng2.PasteSpecialSetOutRng=rng2.Offset(1).Resize(OutRng.Rows.Count)ExitForEndIfNextNext...
I only want to copy the filtered rows, but I also want the formulas to reference the new table, not the old table. From what I've seen, the only to copy formulas from one table to a new table correctly is to use [tt]PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll[/tt], but, if I use that, ...
Switch to another sheet/workbook, select the upper-left cell of the destination range, and pressCtrl+Vto paste the filtered data. Note.Usually, when you copy the filtered data elsewhere, filtered-out rows are omitted. In some rare cases, mostly on very large workbooks, Excel may copy hidden...
Sub CopyFilteredData() Dim sName As String '' '' sName = "Barbara" '' 'Filter rows based on Name which is Field 2 (Col AQ). ActiveSheet.Range("AP4:AR4").AutoFilter ActiveSheet.Range("AP4:AR14").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=sName '' 'Copy filtered table and paste it in Dest...