In situations when you have to evaluate a lot of criteria, the above approach is not the best way to go because your formula would grow too big in size. To perform the same calculations in a more compact formula, list all of your criteria in anarray constant, and supply that array to ...
SUMIF with array constant - compact formula with multiple criteria The SUMIF + SUMIF approach works fine for 2 conditions. If you need to sum with 3 or more criteria, the formula will become too big and difficult to read. To achieve the same result with a more compact formula, supply y...
This article explains how to create a lookup formula that uses multiple criteria in Excel to find information in adatabaseor table of data by using anarray formula. The array formula involves nesting theMATCHfunction inside theINDEXfunction. Information covers Excel for Microsoft 365, Ex...
This article explains how to create a lookup formula that uses multiple criteria in Excel to find information in adatabaseor table of data by using anarray formula. The array formula involves nesting theMATCHfunction inside theINDEXfunction. Information covers Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2019, ...
Generic formula:=INDEX(rng_1,MODE(IF(rng_2=criteria,MATCH(rng_1,rng_1,0))) ArgumentsRng_1: the range of cells that you want to find the most frequent text. Rng_2: the range of cells that contain the criteria you want to use. Criteria: the condition you want to find text based...
It returns the sum of multiple criteria from the corresponding ranges or arrays. Formula breakdown: =SUMPRODUCT((array 1 criteria)*(array2 criteria)*array values) What it means: =SUMPRODUCT((find my criteria in this array)*(find my criteria in that array)*return the values from the values ...
Hi,Hoping you are doing well. I would like to calculate the sum of values in column H for each of the countries pulling all rows for Mozambique, that are...
Result:The formula displays “62586”, which is the total gross sales of Canada. More advanced applications of the SUMIF function: SUMIF Text SUMIF with OR SUMIFS with Dates SUMIF using Multiple Criteria 9. COUNTIF Function TheCOUNTIF functionin Excel counts the total number of cells in a...
2. In the formula, A1:A5 has one more cell than B2:B5, that is, the array dimension is different, so the return value is wrong #VALUE!. III, Excel sumproduct multiple criteria expression examples (1) SUMPRODUCT(Sum_Range, --(Criteria 1), [--(Criteria 2),...]) ...
2.Adjust the Criteria range to the range A1:D3 by clicking Advanced in the Sort & Filter group on the Data tab (blue).Click on ok. Result: Formula as criteria: Follow these instructions to display sales in the USA for the fourth quarter that exceeded $10,000 or sales in the U...