Use User Defined Function to count the number of specific weekdays/weekends in a given month You can also create a User Defined Function to calculate how many specific weekdays in a given year and month besides the above formula. 1. Hold down theALT + F11keys, and it opens theMicrosoft V...
Enter thefollowing formulain the cell above the date cell(D3). The function shows the insert value of the date in cellD4to the number of weekdays. Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is the last day of the week. PressENTER. Use theAutofill Toolto copy the formula to t...
Other weekdays In the general form of the formula at the top of the page, day of week is abbreviated “dow”. This is a number between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday) which can be changed to get a different day of week. For example, to get the last Thursday of a month, set dow...
Method 3 – Converting a Date to the Day Number Using the WEEKDAY Function The WEEKDAY function returns the serial number of weekdays from a date value. Steps: Go to cell D5 and put the following formula. =WEEKDAY(B5,1) The second argument of the formula indicates the start of the ...
Count Birth Dates By Month in Excel : count the number of dates lying in a particular month using the SUMPRODUCT and MONTH function in Excel.SUM price by weekdays in Excel : sum price values corresponding to the number of dates in a particular weekday using the SUMPRODUCT and WEEKDAY ...
How to count weekdays and weekends in Excel To get the number of weekdays or weekends in the list of dates, you can use the WEEKDAY function in combination withSUM. For example: Tocount weekends, the formula in D3 is: =SUM(--(WEEKDAY(A3:A20, 2)>5)) ...
This is how you can count the number of days, weekdays, and weekends between two dates in Excel. Conclusion In this tutorial, we have used a simple example to demonstrate how you can count the number of days, workdays, and weekends between two dates in Excel to highlight a particu...
Convert day of week to number If your goal is to get theday of the week number, then the WEEKDAY function in its basic form is all you need: =WEEKDAY(A1) If cell A1 contains a date like "18-Sep-2023" (Monday), the formula will return 2; or 3 if A1 contains "19-Sep-2023"...
Count Birth Dates By Month in Excel : count the number of dates lying in a particular month using the SUMPRODUCT and MONTH function in Excel.SUM price by weekdays in Excel : sum price values corresponding to the number of dates in a particular weekday using the SUMPRODUCT ...
Note the total amount for the year, and then filter the data to find the number of flyers distributed in the month of January. Don't forget to clear the filter when you're done! Exercise 3: Using conditional formatting to explore data ...