當您打印工作表時,您可能經常會發現它會打印一些使您煩惱的空白頁。 在這種情況下,您需要先找到打印空白頁的可能性,然後再在Excel中停止打印空白頁。 在Excel中通過快捷方式查找未註意的文本 查找具有公式的單元格,該單元格在Excel中使用快捷方式返回空白值 設置要在Excel中打印的特定區域 在Excel中通過快捷方式查找...
When you hit thePrintbutton in Excel, the entire spreadsheet is printed by default, which often takes multiple pages. But what if you don't really need all the content of a huge worksheet on paper? Luckily, Excel provides the ability define the parts for printing. This feature is known as...
But there would be only one page to be printed and no other blank pages If that’s not how you want it to be printed, fitting the sheet on one page can help you identify what else is there causing blank pages to be printed. For example, the print preview above shows that there is ...
Delete extra empty pages in a worksheet with Kutools for Excel If the worksheet contains lots of pages, the above method will be time-consuming. Actually, you can delete all blank rows and columns to condense your worksheet to avoid printing all blank pages. Please try the Delete Blank Rows...
If your worksheet is long, sometimes very long, and expand on various pages, you have the option of printing all the pages or a range of pages. This can be configured in the Print Range section of the dialog box. You can also select some sections of the worksheet and print just that....
Fix the page range before printing. If you have 3 pages on your workbook, but you wish to print the first two pages. Put 1 & 2 in the blank spaces after the Pages. Read More: How to Not Print Empty Cells in Excel Method 3 – Selecting Collated or Uncollated from Print Settings ...
Go to thePrint Preview. No column is missing and the number of pages is reduced. Read More:How to Print Graph in Excel Method 3 –Make Excel Table Readable While Printing 3.1. Increase the Row Height If the row height is smaller, it may reduce the readability. Increase the row height ...
But I always use adobe pdf while printing , sometimes use Microsoft pdf. as i am not printing to paper so ignore the physical limits of a printer . while printing to pdf it should be no border on both side of header and footer image. I have used 2 separate image for header and foote...
Pages: Use to restrict what's printed to just the range of pages you type in the boxes or select using the Up or Down arrow key. Alt+P, H for the first page in range Alt+P, J for the last page in range Two-Sided Printing: Use to select whether to print on...
I have an excel template along with an excel data sheet within the same workbook. I have successfully assigned the cell values into the template. When I put...