The LN function returns the natural logarithm of a number in Excel. It has one argument only—number. Note: Zero or negative numbers will result in #NUM! error and non-numeric values in the #VALUE! error. Read More: How to Calculate Log in Excel Suppose you have the following dataset....
方差齐性,有6种方法可供选择:(1)naturallog:取自然对数;(2)1/squareroot:取平方根的倒数;(3)reciprocal:取倒数;(4)squareroot:取平方根;(5)square:取平方;cube:取立方。若SPSS提供的6种变换均 8、不能满足要求,应考虑采用非参数统计的方法。(2)正态检验(normalityplotswithtests)在“analyzedescriptives...
The Natural Logarithm of a number, written as Ln(x) or Loge(x), is the logarithm to the base e If ex = y, then Ln(y) = x Thus, LN is the inverse of the EXP Function. If the specified number is negative or zero, LN returns #NUM! error. If the specified number is not a ...
Engineering: Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number IMLOG10 function Engineering: Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number IMLOG2 function Engineering: Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number IMPOWER function Engineering: Returns a complex number raised to an intege...
So, we can be sure about the fact that in the LOG10 function, the base is already defined as 10. Read More: How to Calculate Antilog in Excel Method 3 – Using the LN Function (Natural Logarithm) The LN function computes the natural logarithm (base (e)) of a number. The ...
Excel 是一款强大的数据分析软件,它为用户提供了大量的功能 和功能,其中具有重要意义的一种是 ln 函数(Natural Logarithm)。 Excel 中的 ln 函数用于计算一个数字的自然对数,或者指数函数以 e 为底数,其作用是将数值从线性坐标轴转换到对数坐标轴。 在Excel 中,ln 函数位于函数菜单中:在单元格中输入函数“= LN...
imLn(inumber) Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number. imLog10(inumber) Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number. imLog2(inumber) Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number. imPower(inumber, number) Returns a complex number raised to an integer power. imProduct(...
log10(10) = 1x*1=2equalsx = 2What is the difference between the natural logarithm and the base 10 logarithm? The natural logarithm uses e as the base and the common logarithm uses 10 as the base.What is the difference between the IMLOG10 function and the IMLOG2 function? The IMLOG...
Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904). C# Copy public double Ln (double Arg1); Parameters Arg1 Double Number - the positive real number for which you want the natural logarithm. Returns Double Remarks Ln is the inverse...
Math and trigonometry: Returns the natural logarithm of a number LOG function Math and trigonometry: Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base LOG10 function Math and trigonometry: Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number LOGEST function Statistical: Returns the parameters of a...