“Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse” is a feature on Excel that when turned on shrinks and enlarges Excel cells with the mouse wheel. When this is turned on, your scroll wheel is used for changing the size of Excel cells. To turn this off, follow these steps: Click on the File tab in...
Rolling the mouse wheel up and down lets you quickly scroll up and down an Excel workbook. You can zoom in and out of a workbook by using the mouse wheel while holding the key, so you might expect there to be a similar keyboard shortcut to scroll horizontally. Unfortunately there ...
I would like to ask a question on mouse scrolling in Excel 2007. The default speed for scrolling is four rows per scroll, which I felt too fast. I Googled to see if there are ways to slow this down and gotScroll and zoom by using the mouseon Microsoft.com, which suggest that: ...
If you set this property to False, Microsoft Excel will block all input from the keyboard and mouse (except input to dialog boxes that are displayed by your code). Blocking user input will prevent the user from interfering with the code as it moves or activates Microsoft Excel objects. ...
True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling. C# Copy public bool RollZoom { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Applies to ProductVersions Excel primary interop assembly Latest Feedback Was this page helpful? Yes No In this article Definition Applies to ...
Scroll horizontally. Ctrl+Shift, then scroll your mouse wheel up to go left, down to go right Zoom in. Ctrl+Alt+Equal sign ( = ) Zoom out. Ctrl+Alt+Minus sign (-) Top of Page Keyboard shortcuts for formatting cells To do this Press Open the Format Cells dialog box. Ctrl+...
Instead of relying on the scroll arrows, you can use the scroll bars directly. Click and drag the scroll bar to move left or right. Zoom Level: If the worksheet is zoomed in or out significantly, it may affect the scrolling behavior. Try adjusting the zoom level to see if it makes a...
Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of scrolling. C# Kopéieren public bool RollZoom { get; set; } Property Value Boolean Applies to ProduktVersiounen Excel primary interop assembly Latest Feed...
MouseAvailable Property MoveAfterReturn Property MoveAfterReturnDirection Property MultiThreadedCalculation Property Name Property Names Property NetworkTemplatesPath Property NewWorkbook Property ODBCErrors Property ODBCTimeout Property OLEDBErrors Property OnWindow Property OperatingSystem Property OrganizationName Prope...
MouseAvailable Cette propriété a la valeur True si une souris est disponible. (Hérité de _Application) MoveAfterReturn Cette propriété a la valeur True si la cellule active est déplacée dès que l'utilisateur appuie sur la touche ENTRÉE (RETOUR). (Hérité de _Application) Move...