Excel公式:计算两个日期之间的月份 在本教程中,它提供了公式来计算两个给定日期之间的月份。 如果您想遵循本教程,请下载示例电子表格。 获取日期之间的完整月份数 通用公式: DATEDIF(start_date,end_date,”M”) 语法和参数 Start_date, end_date: the two dates that you want to get months difference betwe...
1.1 Calculate day/month/year difference between two dates 1.11 Calculate difference between two dates in days/months/years/weeks Excel DATEDIF function can be used to quickly calculate the difference between two dates in days, months, years, and weeks. ...
Note: This function assumes that every month consists of 30 days. We’ll see some differences in the output from methods 1 and 2. Method 4 – Using DATE Function to Find Days Between Two Dates Use the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and DATE functions to calculate the difference between two dates in...
=(YEAR(C5)-YEAR(B5))*12+MONTH(C5)-MONTH(B5) Here, at first,the YEAR functionreturns the difference between two dates in years. Then, after multiplying by 12, it is converted into months. Finally, it is added to the difference between two dates in months, resulting in thethe MONTH fu...
=MONTH(B2) - MONTH(A2) + 12 * (YEAR(B2) - YEAR(A2)) This formula calculates the difference in months while considering the year as well. Step 3:Press Enter to get the result, which will be the difference in months between the two dates. ...
=(YEAR(B2) - YEAR(A2))*12 + MONTH(B2) - MONTH(A2) Of course, this formula is not so transparent as DATEDIF and it does take time to wrap your head around the logic. But unlike the DATEDIF function, it can compare any two dates and return the difference in months as either a po...
WPS Excel will show the month difference between the two dates. Scenario 4: Handling Negative Date Values Step 1:When subtracting values, the end date is earlier than the start date), Excel will display negative values. Step 2:To handle negative time values, you can write the old date firs...
End_datetime, start_datetime: the two dates that you to calculate the difference between. 误差 如果参数end_datetime小于参数start_datetime,则该公式将返回错误值#VALUE!。 返回值 此公式返回一个文本值。 这个公式如何运作 要获取单元格B3和单元格C3中两个日期时间之间的时差,请使用以下公式: ...
DATEDIF function: returns the years, months or days between two dates.Relative Formulas Count Weekdays only between two datesThis tutorial provides formulas to count the days excluding weekends and holidays between two dates Count Days Left In Current Month Or YearIntroducing formulas for counting the...
EOMONTH- returns the last day of the month WEEKDAY- returns the day of the week WEEKNUM- returns the week number of a date Calculate date difference: DATEDIF- returns the difference between two dates EDATE- returns a date N months before or after the start date ...