64000,Integer.MAX_VALUE);privatefinal int _maxRows;privatefinal int _maxColumns;privatefinal int _maxFunctionArgs;privatefinal int _maxCondFormats;privatefinal int _maxCellStyles;privatefinal int _maxTextLength;privateSpreadsheetVersion(int maxRows, int maxColumns, int maxFunctionArgs, int maxCondFormats...
解决用EasyExcel导出文件时,提示“The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters”的方法。 问题 解决 利用反射强制将EXCEL2007中的_maxTextLength属性值修改为Integer.MAX_VALUE 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 public static void resetCellMaxTextLength() { Spre...
导出excel 报错 。The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters https://blog.csdn.net/chiquan7146/article/details/100725517
选择Excel 文件格式导出结果集时,报错:导出 Excel 文件失败,推荐导出 CSV 格式的文件,错误详情:The maximum length of cell contents(text) is 32,767 characters 问题原因 ODC 导出的 Excel 文件是按照 Excel 2007 的标准生成,如果不满足该标准格式的限制会导出失败或者无法使用 Excel 打开导出的文件。其常见格式限...
当我们使用Java导出Excel时,如果某个单元格的字段长度超过了Excel所允许的最大字符限制,就会导致报错。常见的报错信息是IllegalArgumentException: The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32,767 characters。 2. 解决方法 要解决这个问题,我们需要针对字段过长的情况进行处理。下面是几种常见的解决方法: ...
In the pop-up box that opens, selectText lengthin theAllowoption and choose any convenient criteria in theData. We selected theless thanoption and chose the maximum value as10. This will allow text with less than 10 characters only.
In Excel 2010, the maximum worksheet size is 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. In this article, find all workbook, worksheet, and feature specifications and limits.
In Excel 97-2003, the maximum length of formula contents is 1,024 characters, and the maximum internal formula length is 1,800 bytes. When the combination of formula arguments (including values, references, and/or names) exceeds the maximum limits of Excel 97-2003, the formulas...
Yes, there are limitations on the length of text strings in Excel formulas. In most versions of Excel, the maximum length of a text string that can be used in a formula is 255 characters. If a text string exceeds this limit, it may result in an error or truncation of the string. ...