memory_get_usage 指当前脚本正在使用的内存, memory_get_peak_usage 返回分配给 PHP 内存的峰值, 举例说明: 1、 数据库读出来千万条数据,假如说需要消耗100MB,那么系统会分配给进程 100MB 2、当处理完数据后 unset 掉, 其实当前进程的消耗的内存并不会变小, 即不会释放100MB空间。unset后可以让 memory_get_...
NOTE: Using IEnumerable deferred execution not ToList can save max memory usage in MiniExcel 5. Cell value auto mapping type Template Result Class public class Poco { public string @string { get; set; } public int? @int { get; set; } public decimal? @decimal { get; set; } public ...
Figure 4: Windows XP Task Manager showing Excel memory usageMeasuring Calculation TimeTo make workbooks calculate faster, you must be able to accurately measure calculation time. You need a timer that is faster and more accurate than the VBA Time function. The MICROTIMER() function shown in the...
Optimized for minimal memory usage and high performance. Compatibility with Microsoft Excel 2007-365 (ISO/IEC 29500-1:2016). Compatibility with LibreOffice / OpenOffice Calc. In-memory operation by default. Optional hard disk access, when memory limitations are reached. ...
'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 836 entries, 0 to 835 Data columns (total 4 columns): State 836 non-null object Status 836 non-null int64 CustomerCount 836 non-null int64 StatusDate 836 non-null datetime64[ns] dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int64(2), object(1) memory usage:...
注意:没有人想重新输入您的示例数据。当你问问题的时候你需要提供这个 下面按计划和技能分组,并查找...
memory usage: 83.7+ KB None 上面这些数据到底说了个啥? 看过我前面文章的同学应该知道,info() 这个方法经常用作查看数据空值,很不辛,这里有些属性的数据不全,如: Age(年龄)属性只有714名乘客有记录 Cabin(客舱)更是只有204名乘客是已知的 这里我们进一步使用 describe() 看下这批数据的统计分析数据: ...
The file would exceed the max size of the expanded data in the zip-file.This may indicates that the file is used to inflate memory usage and thus could pose a security risk.You can adjust this limit via ZipSecureFile.setMaxEntrySize() if you need to work with files which are very lar...