2) Make sure theIn-cell dropdownbox is checked. If this box is unchecked, the drop-down arrow won’t appear when selecting cell. 3) In theSourcebox, you can manually type in comma-separated values as the below screenshot shown.
4. 点击'开发者'选项卡--> 'Visual Basic', 出现如下框图,在左上方的框框内选择需要设置多选框的文...
Let’s say you have a list of values with several blank cells are populated, when you create a data validation drop-down list with this data list, you will find the blank cells are added into the drop-down list even you have checked the Ignore Blank option while creating it. Actually,...
You can make the drop-down list of this type in the same fashion as we've just made a second dependent drop-down menu. Just remember the 2 important things discussed above, which are essential for the correct work of your cascading drop-down lists. For instance, if you want to display ...
In this easy guide, we will show you how you can create a drop-down list in Excel, with pictures and GIFS for added help. You can learn Excel with AOLCC.
How to create a drop-down list in Excel To create a drop-down list in Excel, follow these steps- Select a cell where you want to show the drop-down menu. Go to Data > Data Validation. Select the List from the Allow menu.
Named ranges have many uses in Excel. For example, they make creating formulas and charts easier. Make the Drop-Down List Now you're ready to create the drop-down list. In this example, the drop-down will appear in cell E1 on Sheet1. ...
In this method, we have hard-coded the drop-down values, and in case you want to change the options that show up in the drop-down, you will have to go back to the Ddata Validation dialog box and make the changes there. Pro Tip: You can use the following keyboard shortcut to open...
Once you’ve created your drop-down list, you can make it more accessible by adding an input message. Step 1:Choose the cell where the drop-down list is located. Then open theData validationpop-up window once more. Step 2:Select theInput messagetab. Enter a relevant title and the text...
5. Click Developer > Design Mode to exit the design mode. Now all sheets have been listed in the drop-down list, and it will go to the sheet while you clicking at the sheet name. Create a list of sheets with hyperlinks If you just want to create a list of clickable sheet namesas ...