如果宏的安全设置为“低”、“中”或“高”,并且您已将TM1加载项配置为在启动 Excel 时自动装入,那么当您打开 Excel 时始终会装入TM1,而不要求您对任何提示作出响应。 在尝试通过选择 Windows 任务栏中的“开始”菜单或通过打开 Tm1p.xla 文件来打开TM1时,结果会根据 Excel 宏安全设置的不同而不同。 如果宏...
4. 打开信任中心设置 (Open Trust Center Settings) 在信任中心页面,点击右侧的“信任中心设置”按钮。这将打开一个新的对话框,您可以在这里更改宏的安全设置。 5. 选择宏设置 (Select Macro Settings) 在信任中心设置中,选择“宏设置”选项。您将看到几个选项: 禁用所有宏,不通知(Disable all macros without no...
Change macro security settings You can change macro security settings in the Trust Center, unless a system administrator in your organization has changed the default settings to prevent you from changing the settings. On theDevelopertab, in theCodegroup, clickMacro Security. ...
在Excel 中更改宏安全设置 在Excel 中,可以更改宏安全设置,控制打开工作簿时哪些宏将运行以及在什么情况下运行。 例如,可以根据宏是否由受信任的开发人员进行了数字签名来确定是否运行宏。 有关Microsoft Office 文档中宏安全设置的详细信息,请参阅启用或禁用 Office 文件中的宏。 更改宏安全设置 你可以在信任中心中...
Excel's security settings can disable macros to prevent potential harm. Follow these steps: Step 1: Click on "File" > "Options." Step 2: Go to "Trust Center" > "Trust Center Settings." Step 3: Select "Macro Settings" and choose "Enable all macros" (not recommended for security reasons...
ExcelVBASecuritySettingsforVORSIMinExcel FromExcel2003orearlierversions,securitysettingsarefoundintheToolsMacro,Security pull-downmenusasshownabove.Thesecuritylevelchoicesappearasbelow.VORSIM programsare macrosthat mustbefree torun. Thereforeset macrostothe Lowlevel when working intensively with VORSIM.If you...
in which case that specific add-in or macro loads. If the user chooses to disable the add-in, it does not load into memory. If the user chooses to disable the macro, it loads into memory but in a disabled state. Unless the user changes security settings, the message in Figure 7 will...
In most cases, when you open a workbook that contains macros for the first time, Excel disables them as a security measure and asks if you want to enable macros.If you are not certain that you can trust the macro author, verify the macros before enabling them....
and now. If you have Excel 2007-2013, you can enable macros even if your security settings don't allow this. The point is that Excel sees certain locations astrusted zones. This means if you store your macro-enabled files there, the security check can be omitted and the macro will run...
Your Excel sheet might become protected due to Excel's default security settings. For instance, if you download a file from the internet or open one from an email, Excel may put it in a "Protected View" to ensure safety. This is a precautionary measure to prevent potentially harmful files...