运行时错误'1004‘此文件已在受保护的视图中打开 、、 我有一个从另一个Excel文件读取数据的宏。如果该文件已被用户打开,Excel会尝试重新打开该文件-到目前为止,这是正常的。但是,如果文件是在Protected View中打开的,则宏会在以下行停止:Run-time error '1004' This file 浏览0提问于2015-11-25得票数 0 ...
Usually, a runtime error makes the VBA code stop, and the user is shown a dialog box. This box reveals the error number along with a description of the error. VBA Runtime Error 1004is a common runtime error that occurs when working with Microsoft Excel macros and, more broadly, with V...
When you run a Visual Basic for Applications macro in Microsoft Excel, you may receive the following or similar error message: Run-time error '1004': Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Worksheet' failed Cause This behavior can occur when both the following conditions are true: You are...
"VB: run-time error 1004": Application or Object-defined error. "Select method of Range class failed": Excel VBA Runtime error 1004. "Run-time error 1004"- Excel macro. "Runtime error 1004" This error occurs when method open of object workbooks failed "Run time error 1004" This error...
kenstaab it is error with VBA macro, take a look at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/run-time-error-1004 So probably something is wrong with add-on or extension of SAP inside excel or it is old code which is not working well with newer version of Excel. ...
Hi all, I am working within an old file that is not mine and receiving the Run-time error aforementioned (1004). The line that pings for the error is: Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="F:\Budget\MRF\Business Team\SLM\Current\SLMUSD.xlsm" ...
I have a macro used on multiple computers. One of the computers cannot run the macro at all. If there is a PASTE of any kind (and it really doesn't matter how I try to do it), Excel throws a runtime error 1004 We couldn't paste the data because it took too long. Try reducing...
智能的打开你目前所在窗口的属性 我们按照惯例先看一下项目的管理栏目 首先好的一点就是可以看出来项目...
Problem:My macro stops execution after refreshing OLEB pivot table data source and displays a Run-time error '1004': Please wait until Microsoft Excel has finished refreshing the Pivot Table report, and then try the command again." (see screen shot below) ...
Run-time error '1004': This action exceeds the number of page breaks you can manually add to a worksheet. A worksheet can contain up to 1026 horizontal page breaks. Summary The following Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro illustrates how the error might occur....