1、宏的英文名字是Macro,指能完成某项任务的一组键盘和鼠标的操作或一系列的命令和函数。使用宏,可以很方便地执行需要频繁操作的命令。excel 2007最新版本提供了方便直观的“宏”命令,让用户能快速的掌握。建立“宏”命令,就是要把我们需要的反复操作的命令建立起来,这个过程称为“录制宏”操作。首先,录制宏前的...
ActiveSheet.shapes("缺角矩形 8").OnAction = "Macro2" End Sub Sub Macro2() MsgBox "Hello!Second!", vbInformation, "Second" ActiveSheet.shapes("缺角矩形 8").OnAction = "Macro1" End Sub '创建私有方法 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Integer For Each Shape In shapes i = i...
Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() With CommandButton1 If .Caption = "宏1" Then Call 宏1 .Caption = "宏2" Exit Sub End If If .Caption = "宏2" Then Call 宏2 .Caption = "宏3" Exit S 086. 在两个宏中依次循环执行一个并相应修改按钮名称(控件按钮代码) Private Sub Com...
32、pplication.Run macro:=text 滚动窗口到 a1 的位置ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1定制系统日期Dim MyDate, MyDayMyDate = #12/12/69#MyDay = Day(MyDate)今天的年限Dim MyDate, MyYearMyDate = Date恢复自己的状态栏MyYear = Year(MyDate)MsgBox MyYear产生一个 inputboxInput...
ActiveCell = CommandButton1.Caption End Sub 14、当前单元内容返回到按钮名称(控件按钮代码) Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() CommandButton1.Caption = ActiveCell End Sub 15、奇偶页分别打印 Sub 奇偶页分别打印() Dim i%, Ps% Ps = ExecuteExcel4Macro('GET.DOCUMENT(50)') '总页数 ...
ExecuteExcel4Macro(String) 运行Microsoft Excel 4.0 宏函数,然后返回该函数的结果。 返回结果的类型取决于函数的类型。 (继承自 _Application) FindFile() 显示“打开”对话框。 (继承自 _Application) GetCustomListContents(Int32) 返回一个自定义序列(一个字符串数组)。 (继承自 _Application) GetCus...
The variable generated by theOpen Office Filecommand is used by theClose Office Applicationcommand to close the application. An Office package version greater than or equal to 2010 is needed to run this command. To be able to run this command, it is necessary to enable the macro function in...
Excel run macro Now you have your own custom column and row resizing code in action. If you don't need to resize rows, you can simply remove the line for rows from the code. While this method can be efficient, it's worth noting that VBA is an advanced tool primarily used for complex...
Step 2:Next, go to the "Insert" option and select the "Command Button" from the "Active X Controls" section. Excel Developer Tab Step 3:Double-click on the newly added "Command Button" within the work area. Excel Command button
excelperfect 一些情形下,我们需要在工作表中使用ActiveX控件,这通常使用VBA来实现。...要使用VBA从控件工具箱(ActiveX控件)中添加控件,可以使用OLEObjects集合的Add方法。...(选项按钮) Forms.Textbox.1(文本框) Forms.Listbox.1(列表框) Forms.Commandbutton.1(命令按钮)下面通过一个例子,提供在工作表中添加Acti...