In fact the number of records is the number of rows minus one (the title row) and here is the code: varNbRecords=Selection.Rows.Count - 1 Sorting Data with VBA There is one piece of code that the Macro Recorder can write for you and it's for sorting data. The NC will write somet...
Combine input box (multiple criteria) My original excel macro is here, where I have to manually go into the excel macro to adjust the values If a(i, 1) <= 0.3 Or a(i, 8) < 30 Or a(i, 11) < 50000 Then b(i, 1) = 1 Option Explicit Sub Delete_Rows_Multi_Criteria() Applicat...
Sub MultipleConditionInputBox() Dim textA As String Dim textB As String ' 输入满足条件A的文本 textA = InputBox("请输入满足条件A的文本:", "条件A") ' 输入满足条件B的文本 textB = InputBox("请输入满足条件B的文本:", "条件B") ' 在单元格A1和A2中显示输入的文本 Range("A1").Value ...
Sub WriteDataToCell() Dim userInput As String Dim targetCell As Range ' 获取用户输入 userInput = InputBox("请输入要写入的数据:") ' 检查用户是否取消了输入 If userInput <> "" Then ' 指定要写入数据的单元格 Set targetCell = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") ' 将获取的数据写...
How to Open the VBA Macro Editor in Excel Click on the Developer tab and select Visual Basic. Alternatively, you can press Alt + F11. A new window will appear. This is the Visual Basic Editor. To write code, go to Insert and Module. Once you input code, click on the Run button ...
Example 2 – Filter Students with VBA Macro and Restrict Code with Masked Password in UserForm InputBox We will filter the details of the students who have failed, but you have to enter a password to see the failed list. Video Player Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not...
1)选择“工具”—“宏”—“宏”,显示“宏”对话框。 2)单击列表中的“改变颜色”,选择“编辑”按钮。 此时,会打开VBA的编辑器窗口(VBE)。关于该编辑器,以后再详细说明,先将注意力集中到显示的代码上。代码如下:(日期和姓名会有不同)Sub 改变颜色()'' 改变颜色 Macro' xw 记录的宏 2000-6-10''With...
excel ¯oexcel & vba & nested ifmacro-inputbox Replies: 5 Forum:Excel Questions D Special Characters & Duplicate Names Hello, I have a Macro that I am using to generate a weekly report which works great. The comments in the macro explains what it is that the macro does. This all wo...
Chapter 17: Working with Message and Input BoxesYou will use message boxes or input boxes to communicate with the user. Through these pop-ups the user can supply bits of data or say " Yes, No, Ok, Cancel" and other short answers during the execution of a macro....