First, enter VLOOKUP in a cell, and the lookup_value argument refers to the cell where you have the lookup value. After that, enter a comma and click “Sheet 2” to open it. Now, in “Sheet 2”, select the table where you have the Product ID and Quantity. Next, again enter a co...
Col: It is the column number from which you want to retrieve the value.0 or False: It is used for exact match VLOOKUP.Or useFormula Syntax :=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, sheetname!table_array, col_index,0)Here only factor is sheetname! In formula. Just write the correct sheet name in ...
1. vlookup():用于匹配各种好用 1.1 变量解释 lookup_value:你需要匹配的数据(一般就是一列数据)【下例:A2:A7】 table_array:你需要在哪几列数据里面匹配,可以跨文件使用**【下例:E:G】** col_index_num:你需要匹配并显示table_array中的第几列数据**【下例:3】** [range_lookup]:True:模糊查询;FALS...
2.7 VLOOKUP values from another worksheet Usually, you may have to work with more than one worksheet, the VLOOKUP function can be used to lookup data from another sheet as the same as on one worksheet. For example, you have two worksheets as below screenshot shown, to lookup and return ...
How to Vlookup from a named range in another sheet In case you plan to use the same lookup range in many formulas, you can create a named range for it and type the name directly in thetable_arrayargument. To create a named range, simply select the cells and type the name you want ...
We set LookupValue1 with a value from range B5 of the Specified_Range sheet. We used the VLookup function to paste the value in a specific cell. The VLookup function searches for LookupValue1 in table_array LookupRange and gives respective column 3 output from the table_array. False means ...
simplest case - using VLOOKUP to copy data from another worksheet. It's very similar to a regular VLOOKUP formula that searches on the same worksheet. The difference is that you include the sheet name in thetable_arrayargument to tell your formula in which worksheet the lookup range is ...
To use VLOOKUP to retrieve data from another workbook, all you have to do is include the file name of the other workbook within square brackets immediately followed by the sheet name and table array. Here's the formula template: =VLOOKUP(lookup value,[file_name.xlsx]Sheet!range,column inde...
In the formula, we used theLOOKUPfunction with arguments, Cell F5contains the value to look up. B5:B11is the range where that value should be found. D5:D11is the range where the corresponding result value is stored. Read More:How to Create Table from Another Table in Excel ...
Example:In the image below, we have selected the table range from Sheet 1, while the lookup formula is set on Sheet 2. Using VLOOKUP across Multiple Workbooks Similar to the above method, where we have used VLOOKUP to extract data from another sheet, we can also use table range from anot...