stock Stock or currency ticker symbol in double quotes e.g. "MSFT" or a reference to a cell containing the ticker symbol or the Stocks data type. If you want to get a price from a specific exchange, prefix the ticker symbol with the market identifier code (e.g. "XNAS:MSFT"). start...
These AI announcements are usually accompanied by a spike in the company’s stock price and this, together with the recent rise in the tech and broader market, has prompted some market commentators to declare that we are in an AI fueled stock market bubble. Are we in a bubble? Unfortunately...
identifier - the stock market ticker symbol associated with the companies common stock securities or the Federal Reserve RSSD ID unique identifier for the bank: TICKER SYMBOL | RSSD ID LOOKUP statement - the Call Report/UBPR/Y-9C financial statement requested: CALL REPORT 031 TAGS | CALL REPORT...
Stock Ticker Macro Hi all, I have seen a few threads over the past few months asking this same question, but haven't come across an answer so I thought I would ask here: I used to run a macro/function called StockQuote which was based off of Yahoo Finance's API that would allow me...