=XLOOKUP(D2,$A$2:$A$6,$B$2:$B$6) 结果: 如果找到匹配,将显示所有对应的值,否则返回#N/A错误,见截图: 提示: 使用上述公式,如果 D 列中的水果与 A 列中不匹配,它们将返回错误。 为了使这些错误更容易理解,您可以使用 IFERROR 函数包装公式: ...
It's easy to look up a value with one criteria in a table. We can simply use VLOOKUP. But what could we do if have that multiple column criteria to match in your data and need to lookup in multiple columns to match a value. Let's learn how this problem can be solved using differe...
[range_lookup]:This entry is optional, but you can include "TRUE" for approximate matches or "FALSE" for generating an exact match. In our case, if you want an exact customer name match, you'd use "FALSE". Free DownloadWin7, 10, 11 Examples of Using VLOOKUP Function between Two Sheet...
The wildcard character is theAsterisk (*)symbol. You have to match the entirelookup_valuein this method, not the separate parts of thelookup_value. For example, we can find a book containing the text “Second World War” in this way, and only the books having the full text “Second Wo...
=FILTER(A2:A14, XLOOKUP(A2:A14, C2:C9, C2:C9,"")="") VLOOKUP formula to identify matches and differences between two columns If you want to add text labels to the first list indicating which values are available in the second list and which are not, use the VLOOKUP formula together ...
Here’s a quick summary of the various methods to match two columns in Excel: IF formula checks if two cells match, returning “Match” or “No Match” VLOOKUP matches vertically, HLOOKUP matches horizontally Conditional Formatting highlights duplicate or unique values ...
The formula returns the matches for the lookup_value from columns 2 and 3 of the table_array. SUM(VLOOKUP(F5,$B$5:$D$12,{2,3},FALSE)): Now, the SUM function returns the sum of the two values it got from the VLOOKUP function. Drag the Fill Handle down to copy the formula to ...
Comparing the content of two columns is a very common task in Excel. In this article, you’ll learn 3 powerful formulas to identify missing values between two columns. 1. Using VLOOKUP and ISNA TheVLOOKUP functionis usually used to find a value in a reference table based on an ID. In ...
To overcome this, you can add a helper column and concatenate the values from two lookup columns (CustomerandProduct) there. It is important that the helper column should be theleftmostcolumn in the table array because it's where Excel VLOOKUP always searches for the lookup value. ...
Sometimes, you might need to compare two columns to pinpoint the missing values, detect the same match, find unique items, and so on. If you think theVLOOKUP functioncan take just onelookup tablein the formula, you aren’t using it at its full potential. Meaning, you can use the two ...