Then, select the locked cells you want to unlock, go to Format Cells > Protection, and uncheck the locked checkbox. Don’t forget to re-enable sheet protection after. Why won’t my locked cells stay locked in Excel? What do locking cells in Excel do? How do you lock a specific cell...
Locking cells is a feature in Excel to protect the cell’s data from getting edited, modified, or deleted by any user. In Excel, users can lock all the cells with the specific worksheet to protect that entire worksheet cells or only lock the specific cells within the worksheet to get prot...
You can lock cells in Excel if you want to protect cells from being edited. By default, all cells are locked. However, locking cells has no effect until you protect the sheet.
使用 Aspose.Cells for .NET 可以轻松使用 C# 锁定 Excel 中的单元格。您可以轻松保护重要数据并增强协作。
Now, go to lock the selected formula cells. Please pressCtrl + 1to open theFormat Cellsdialog again, switch to theProtectiontab, and check theLockedcheckbox. At last, clickOKbutton. See screenshot: Step 4: Protect the worksheet After locking the formulas, you should protect the sheet: ...
Step 5: Select the cells or the specific area of cells you want to protect. Perhaps, you may want to know how to lock a cell in Excel. If you want to do this, you can only select one column in Excel in this step. Step 6: Go toHome > Formatin the Cells group> Format Cells....
Step 2 – Locking Specific Multiple Cells Select a cell range to lock (here,B5:F9). Right-click and chooseFormat Cellsor pressCtrl+1. CheckLocked. ClickOK. Step 3 – Activate the SheetProtection Go to theReviewtab. ClickProtect SheetinProtect. ...
Lockingis a handy function in Excel that allows users to lock specific or all cells in a worksheet to prevent any intentional or unintentional editing of them. You can easily lock cells in a sheet by using the Format Cells function. But what if you want to lock only the cells with a fo...
Let’s now only lock specific cells. We’ll also insert a check box to toggle locking and unlocking them. STEPS: Name the cell range B4:D10 as Table1. Click Developer ➤ Insert ➤ Check Box. Place the check box in the desired location. Right-click on the sheet name. Select View...
Lock specific areas of a worksheet You canlock cellsinExcelif you want to protect cells from being edited. In this example, we will lock cell A2. Before you start: by default, all cells arelocked. However, locking cells has no effect until you protect the worksheet. So when you protect...