6.选择并右键单击一个空白单元格,选择Link从上下文菜单。 7.插入超链接弹出窗口: 在显示文字框,输入要在选定单元格中显示的超链接文本。 查找并选择Word文档(选择文件夹中包含Word文档的文件夹在看下拉列表,然后单击以选择文档当前文件夹部分)。 所选文档的名称显示在地址框,键入a#文档名称末尾的符号,然后输入在上...
Subpaste_table_link1()'' 建立EXCEL数据源与WORD报告之间的数据链接' 1. 确保excel表格和word表格形式一致' 2. 复制excel左上角第一个数据' 3. 将光标放到word表格中对应的单元格中,点击宏按钮即可Application.ScreenRefreshOnErrorResumeNextSetreg=CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")WithSelection table_C=.Informat...
How to Convert Excel to Word Using Insert Object in Windows SelectInsertLink to Filecheck box. SelectOK Convert Excel to Word Using an Online Converter You can also use anonline converterto convert Excel to Word. Locate an online converter by conducting a quick online search. Then upload your ...
1. Link and Keep Source Formatting Linking is how to link Word to Excel by building a connection. In other words, it adds Excel data to Word that'll update in real-time. If you make a change in Excel, it'll automatically reflect in your Word doc. There won't be any need to conti...
I use Windows 2000. How do I paste a graph from Excel into Word AND maintain a link so that further changes in Excel will be portrayed in the Word graph? Help! I've been at this for hours! Also, how do I size the graph once in Word??
IT计算机 > 计算机应用/办公自动化 > word引用excel数据(link域) 打印 转格式 975阅读文档大小:431.16K1页EXPLORE_T..上传于2015-03-17格式:GIF
If you save the Word file and re-open, Word gives an error that the link cannot be updated. I've struggled with this for several days and tried everything I can think of, nothing helps. It appears to be a bonafide bug in the new (post OneDrive) implemention of li...
HYPERLINK(link_location, [friendly_name]) HYPERLINK 函数语法具有下列参数: Link_location必需。 要打开的文档的路径和文件名。 Link_location 可以指向文档中的某个更为具体的位置 ,如 Excel 工作表或工作簿中特定的单元格或命名区域,或是指向 Microsoft Word 文档中的书签。 路径可以是存储在硬盘驱动器上的文件...