These are better suited to dealing with whole numbers. Line charts do not display discrete data very efficiently. It is best used for continuous data.That’s it – Now what? That’s all about creating a line graph and formatting it in Excel. Line charts are truly one of the simplest ...
When the Change Chart Type window appears, select the 4th chart under the Line Chart section. Click on the OK button. Now when you view the chart, you should see that Series 2 has changed to a line graph. However, we still need to set up a secondary Y-axis as Series 2 is currently...
Prepare your dataset. Our sample dataset contains monthly item sales as shown below. Variables on the X-axis are represented by row headers, while variables on the Y-axis are represented by column headers. Step 2: Inserting Line Graph Select the range of the cells and go to theInserttab. ...
To make the Cases series stand out, we'll change it to a line series, and later we'll plot that line graph on a separate axis.In this example, the Cases series is difficult to see, so you can use the Ribbon commands to select it.To select a specific series:...
The graph shows the Sales Amount of Alex in the Y-axis and the Months in the X-axis. Select the months again: B5:B11. Press Ctrl and select John’s sales amount. Here, D5:D11. Follow the previous steps to show John’s line graph. There are two separate line graphs in the data...
组 可以是以下 XlAxisGroup 常量之一: xlPrimary 或xlSecondary。 示例 以下示例设置图表中分类轴标题的文本。 VB 复制 With myChart.Axes(xlCategory) .HasTitle = True .AxisTitle.Caption = "1994" End With 另请参阅 Excel Graph Visual Basic 参考 Excel 对象模型引用 支持和反馈 有关于 Office VBA 或...
Index1 可选 XlAxisType 轴的类型。 可以是以下 XlAxisType 常量之一: xlCategory、 xlValue 或xlSeriesAxis。 系列轴仅适用于 3D 图表。 Index2 可选 XlAxisGroup 轴优先级。 可以是以下 XlAxisGroup 常量之一: xlPrimary 或xlSecondary。 3D 图表只有一组轴。备注...
Select the y-axis and turn grid lines 'off.' You can adjust the coloring of the traces to your liking or roll with Chart Studio's defaults. Within the legend on the right side of the graph, you can label your 'line' trace 'Ratio male/female,' Col3 'female,' and Col1 'male.' ...
Aline graph(akaline chart) is a visual that displays a series of data points connected by a straight line. It is commonly used to visually represent quantitative data over a certain time period. Typically, independent values such as time intervals are plotted on the horizontal x-axis while dep...
運算式。AxisGroup需要expression。 會傳回 Axis 物件的運算式。註解針對3D 圖表,只有 xlPrimary 有效。範例如果數值座標軸屬於次座標軸組,本範例會刪除該數值座標軸。VB 複製 With myChart.Axes(xlValue) If .AxisGroup = xlSecondary Then .Delete End With ...