Keyboard shortcuts for making selections and performing actions To do this Press Select the entire worksheet. Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar Select the current and next sheet in a workbook. Ctrl+Shift+Page down Select the current and previous sheet in a workbook. Ctrl+Shift+Page up Extend the...
Keyboard shortcutsallow you to do things with your keyboard instead of your mouse to increase your speed. Basic Select cell B2. 1. To select the entire range, press CTRL + a (if you press CTRL + a one more timeExcelselects the entire sheet). 2. To copy the range, press CTRL + c...
2. Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel WorkbookActionsWindows Shortcut Create new workbook Ctrl + N Open workbook Ctrl + O Save workbook Ctrl + S Save as F12 Go to next workbook Ctrl + Tab Go to previous workbook Ctrl + Shift + Tab Minimize current workbook window Ctrl + F9 Maximize current ...
Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel - In this chapter, we will learn about the commonly used Excel shortcuts, the keyboard shortcuts, and their description in Windows. Navigating between the different tabs and searching for the correct options slows the workflow
The shortcuts in this section cover how to navigate those windows with the keyboard. ShortcutWindowsMacWeb Move to next tabCtrl+TabCtrl+Tab Move to previous tabCtrl+Shift+TabCtrl+Shift+Tab Move to next control or buttonTabTabTab Move to previous control or buttonShift+TabShift+TabShift+Tab ...
Here are some useful Ctrl + Shift keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key: Extends the selection of cells to the last non-blank cell in the same row or column as the active cell, or if the next cell is blank, to the next non-blank cell. Ctrl + Shift + L: Toggles the ...
231 Keyboard Shortcut Keys In ExcelA good knowledge of keyboard shortcuts for Excel helps user work more efficiently. The Excel shortcut keys make us work 10 times faster than using the normal conventional way to solve office challenges.
You don’t need to know all the shortcuts (of course!), but it would be a big time saver to learn some to-do things you need to do daily/weekly. Here is a list of 200+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that will save you tons of time. ...
Learn the keyboard hot-keys that can save you time in Excel! Use CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT to access Paste Special, review formulas, quick format cells and more!
SizeNext WorkbookMove WindowResize WindowMinimize WorkbookRestore WorkbookNew Macro SheetOpenSelect All BoldCopyFill DownQuit ExcelSwitch To VBAAdd To SelectionCalculate WorksheetContext MenuNew WorksheetSaveMacro ListVB EditorData MenuEdit MenuFile MenuFindGotoReplaceItalicsHelp MenuInsert MenuInsert Hyperlink...