VBA代码:隐藏工作表中所有不一致的公式错误 Sub HideInconsistentFormulaError() Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range Dim xError As Byte On Error Resume Next Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the range:", "KuTools For Excel", ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address, , , , , 8) If xRg...
Ignore Error- This removes the green triangle from the cell and the cell is no longer considered an error. Edit in Formula Bar- Places the cursor into the Formula bar so it can be edited. Error Checking Options- Displays the Options,Formulas Tab. ...
表達 代表ErrorCheckingOptions 物件的 變數。 註解 區域中一致的公式,必須位在含有不一致公式之儲存格的左右或上下,這樣 InconsistentFormula 屬性才能正確作用。 範例 在下列範例中,當使用者選取儲存格 B4 (包含不一致的公式) 時,即會出現 [自動校正選項] 按鈕。 VB 複製 Sub CheckFormula() Application.ErrorChe...
在 VSCode 中都是集成好的,比如 JavaScript 的智能提示、高亮显示已选同名单词等。
When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies cells containing an inconsistent formula in a region. False disables the inconsistent formula check.
Thank you for the quick response, and verifying it works, it just bugs me that the inconsistent formula error keeps popping up on the document, any thoughts on that besides just hitting ignore error? Hi Nick, In the example that you attached, I did not find any error, the formula is ...
Inconsistent value formatting In some cases, ACE returns completely different results across refreshes. Using the example described in theformatting section, you might suddenly see the value 1024.231 instead of "1,024.23". This difference can be caused by having the legacy workbook open in Excel whi...
In the file attached below, I am facing an error of inconsistent formula for column J. I tried to fix it but I am not able to. Any help would be appreciated...
The border in the exported HTML file is inconsistent with the display in SpreadJS.(DOCXLS-9627) The processing time of the template has significantly increased after the upgrade.(DOCXLS-9697) Exception is thrown on trying to get the DataValidation Formula.(DOCXLS-9708) Integers have an extra...
Specifies the type of error object to be retrieved from the Errors collection.Expand table NameValueDescription xlEmptyCellReferences 7 The cell contains a formula referring to empty cells. xlEvaluateToError 1 The cell evaluates to an error value. xlInconsistentFormula 4 The cell contains an inc...