IFS是IF的變化版,可以說是為了簡化巢狀而產生的函數,若使用IFS就不用一直重複使用IF。 =IFS(判斷條件1,符合條件1傳回值,判斷條件2,符合條件2回傳值,判斷條件3,符合條件3回傳值,...) 它是兩個參數兩兩一組: 第一組判斷條件1、符合條件1傳回值,如果[B2]大於 855 分,即回傳[E6]的值「金色」。 第二...
Using the Excel IFS function is easy and simple. First, select the cell where you want the result to show up. Then, type the IFS formula in that cell, following the pattern we mentioned earlier. You need to replace "value_if_true1," "value_if_true2," and so on, with the values ...
Excel Function: IFS TheIFSfunction checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value corresponding to the first true condition. Prerequisite: understand theIFfunction Usage: =IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1) or =IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, logical_test2, value_if_tru...
计数和求和函数主要分三组,计数、求和和平均(即求和除以计数),每组中均包含XX、XXIF和XXIFS的函数,另外求和函数还多了一个SUBTOTAL和SUMPRODUCT函数。 由于三组函数用法基本相同,本节以求和函数为示例来介绍。SUBTOTAL与SUM的区别 快捷键ALT+=可以快速填充求和公式,与手写SUM公式的好处在于不用挨个选择求和区域,即...
Public Function fx(x As Range) Select Case x Case "赵" fx = "ZHAO" & [C1] & "-" & [D1] Case "冯" fx = "FENG" & [C1] & "-" & [D1] case "王" (这里可参照上面的样式,自已写其它条件,N个都行) End Select 然后返回EXCEL中,=fx(a1) 就可以用了 ...
Excel Formula help, IFS function I am trying to write an IFS statement to determine if a date falls within a certain date range. Date Range: is in Sheet 2 (see below) ABC 1FY187/1/20176/30/2018 2FY197/1/20186/30/2019 3FY207/1/20196/30/2020 ...
The Excel IFS function is a logical function that, applies multiple IF functions. The result returned by the function is the value of the first TRUE condition.
I am trying setting up the function of ifs + or / and. However, excel didn't show the correct answer as expected. =IFS(OR(B14>0,C14>=6),"A",AND(B14=0,5>=C14>=3),"B",AND(B14=0,C14<=2),"C") It should show "C" instead of "B" when B14 and C14 both equal to ...
AVERAGEA function Statistical: Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values AVERAGEIF function Statistical: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria AVERAGEIFS function Statistical: Returns the average (ari...
逻辑函数是Excel效率最高的函数,并且数量也不多,但是非常的有效,最常用的逻辑函数主要有:IF、IFS、AND、OR、NOT和6个逻辑符号。逻辑函数知识点 学习传送门:【训练营】职场Excel零基础入门 - 网易云课堂 2.3 常用的时间/日期函数 时间函数虽然在Excel中用的不多,但是在合同中使用的效率非常高,常用的时间/日期函...