=IF(C2=”Yes”,1,2)在上面的示例中,单元格 D2 表示:如果(C2 等于 Yes,则返回 1,否则就返回 2)请点击输入图片描述 =IF(C2=1,”Yes”,”No”)在此示例中,单元格 D2 中的公式表示:IF(C2 = 1, then return Yes, otherwise return No)如你所见,IF 函数可用于计算文本和数值。
=IF(C2="Yes",1,2) 在上面的示例中,显示单元格 D2: IF(C2 = Yes, then return a 1, otherwise return a 2) =IF(C2=1,"Yes","No") 在此示例中,显示单元格 D2 中的公式 ︰ IF(C2 = 1, then return Yes, otherwise return No) 您看到,可以使用 IF 函数来计算文本和值。 它也可到评估错误。
VBA:根据另一个单元格中的填充颜色填充单元格 Function GetRangeColor(xRg As Range) UpdatebyKutools20191125 If (xRg.Count > 1) Then GetRangeColor = "Only work for single cell" End If Select Case xRg.Interior.Color Case RGB(255, 0, 0) GetRangeColor = "Play" Case RGB(0, 255, 0) Get...
For k=0ToUBound(Hld_Txt)RW_Ct=RW_Ct+1If Yes_Fir Then RW_Ct=RW_Ct+1.Cells(RW_Ct,Col_Num).Value="第"&i&"页"RW_Ct=RW_Ct+2Yes_Fir=False End If If RW_Ct>Li_Row Then RW_Ct=1Col_Num=Col_Num+1End If T_Str=CStr(Hld_Txt(k))IfLeft(T_Str,1)="="Then T_Str="'"&T...
Here, I told Excel to return the response “yes” if the data value in cell C1 is greater than 5000 and “no” if the value is less than 5000. Here’s the response Excel returned: As mentioned earlier, the IF-THEN statement is a powerful Excel function with numerous benefits. Learning...
嵌套IF/COUNTBLANK/ISBLANK公式 嵌套IF/COUNTBLANK/ISBLANK公式是一种在电子表格软件中常用的公式组合,用于根据特定条件对单元格进行计算和判断是否为空。它可以帮助用户根据不同情况进行灵活的数据处理和分析。 具体而言,嵌套IF/COUNTBLANK/ISBLANK公式通常包含IF函数、COUNTBLANK函数和ISBLANK函数的组合,结合这些函数的返回值...
Sometimes, add-ins can cause problems. To determine, if add-in is a problem start Excel in safe mode and see if problem has gone away. If yes, then start Excel normally and disable add-ins one by one and start Excel again every time you disable an add-in to determine the culprit...
=IF(J2="Arrived";"Yes";IF(J2="In transit"; "Yes";"No")) CopyYou can use an if-then statement inside of the IF function to distinguish between different values. Note While the nesting of the IF function is practical, it has its limits. Nesting creates a complexity that makes it ...
Choose "Errors" and then click "OK." It will highlight all cells in the selected range that contain errors, including the #REF error. Step 2: #REF! Error in Excel How To Fix It? Now that we've identified where the #REF error appears, we can focus on fixing it. There are several...
Sub SaveWB() If MsgBox("Save workbook?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=Now + TimeValue("00:10:00"), Procedure:="SaveWB" End Sub 如下面的代码所示,您还可以在用户切换到其他工作表时,提示用户是否保存工作簿,方法是从 SheetDeactivate 事件的事件处理...