Method 4 – Returning TRUE/FALSE If a Value Lies Between Two Numbers Using Excel AND, MIN, and MAX Functions Here, we’ll combine theAND,MIN, andMAXfunctions to check if a third number lies between these two numbers. Let’s consider theNumbers Listdataset in theB4:D13cells. Here, the ...
In this article, we will learn how to check if the value is between the two numbers in Excel.We have 2 numbers and a value to check that it lies between the given two numbers or not. For this article, we need to satisfy two conditions using AND logic operator. AND logic operator ...
Method 2 – Check If Value Is Between Maximum and Minimum Numbers 2.1. Consider Exclusive Result Declare the boundary numbers. We have taken 35,38, and 34 as Upper Limits. We have taken 28,27, and 26 as Lower Limits. We have to calculate the Upper Limit and Lower Limit. We will fin...
In both cases, the result is the Boolean value TRUE if the tested number is between 10 and 20, FALSE if it is not: If between two numbers then In case you want to return a custom value if a number is between two values, then place the AND formula in the logical test of theIFfunc...
Check if a cell value is between two values with formula For example, you need to check if value in cell B2 is between values in cell A2 and A3. Please apply the following formula to achieve it.1. Select a blank cell which you need to display the result, enter formula ...
Universal COUNTIF formula for blanks(all value types): COUNTIF(range,"") The above formula correctly handles numbers, dates and text values. For example, here's how you can get the number of empty cells in the range C2:C11: =COUNTIF(C2:C11,"") ...
Generic formula to LOOKUP value between two numbers: = VLOOKUP (value, table, lookup_col , 1 ) And one more thing about Vlookup is it looks for the value in the column and if it doesn’t find the value in the column array then it matches and returns the value that is less than tha...
=IF(OR(A1<150000,A1>250000),0,A1) In this example, the formula will return 0 if cell A1 was either less than 150,000 or greater than 250,000. Otherwise, it will return the value in cell A1. Question 2:In Microsoft Excel, I’m trying to use the IF function to return 25 if ...
Number between two values Another way you can use the IF AND Excel function combination is when you want to find a number that’s between two numbers. For example, if I want to see who is older than 19 but younger than 22, I can use the function=IF(AND(B2>19,B2<22),"Yes","No...
If you need to sum values between two dates, and the date range changes frequently, you can add filter for the certain range, and then use the SUBTOTAL function to sum between the specified date range in Excel. 1. Select a blank cell, enter below formula, and press the Enter key. ...