Similarly a condition can either evaluate to being TRUE (as in met) or FALSE (as in the condition is not met). VBA as other languages has a boolean variable type which you can equally use if your IF-THEN-ELSE-STATEMENT.Boolean operatorsOperatorExampleDescription AND [CONDITION_1] AND [COND...
Let's look at some Excel IF-THEN-ELSE statement function examples and explore how to use the IF-THEN-ELSE statement in Excel VBA code: First, let's look at a simple example. If LRegion ="N" Then LRegionName = "North" End If ...
In Excel VBA, IF Then Else statement allows you to check for a condition, and perform an action accordingly. This is extremely valuable in many situations as we will see in the examples later in this tutorial. To give you a simple example, suppose you have a list of grades in Excel ...
Yes. Mind the example below: Dim lookupValue As Variant Dim result As Variant lookupValue = "John" result = Application.VLookup(lookupValue, Range("A1:B10"), 2, False) If IsError(result) Then MsgBox "Error: " & result Else MsgBox "Result: " & result End If This code is used in the...
Sub Example1() Dim num As Integer num = 15 If num > 10 Then MsgBox "大于10" Else MsgBox "小于等于10" End If End Sub 示例2:根据用户输入的成绩,判断其等级。如果成绩大于等于90,则输出"A";如果成绩大于等于80且小于90,则输出"B";如果成绩大于等于70且小于80,则输出"C";否则输出"D"。
Select Case is useful when you have three or more conditions that you want to check. You can also use this with two conditions (but I feel If Then Else is easier to use in those cases). A simple example where the Select Case statement is useful when you want to get the grade of a...
If none of the conditions match, it will execute the code under the optional Case Else statement. Differences between the Select Case and If Then Else statements of Excel VBA You can use the Select Case when you need to evaluate a single expression for multiple possible outcomes. On the ...
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The “If” function is handy, especially when you have a large data volume and want to avoid the stress of computing formulas for each data. Here’s an example of how simple it is to use IF-THEN statements in Excel: ...
If regEx.Test(char_data) Then match_pat = regEx.Replace(char_data, char_renew) Else match_pat = " " End If End If End Function Formula Breakdown: To begin, within the "match_pat" function, we define "val_rng" as a Range, and the function's output is a string. ...
VBA If, ElseIf, Else in Access VBA VBA If Statement If Then VBA If Statements allow you to test if expressions are TRUE or FALSE, running different code based on the results. Let’s look at a simple example: If Range("a2").Value > 0 Then Range("b2").Value = "Positive" This tes...