IF(EXACT(cell A,cell B), value_if_true, value_if_false) For example, to compare the items in A2 and B2 and return "yes" if text matches exactly, "no" if any difference is found, you can use this formula: =IF(EXACT(A2, B2), "Yes", "No") How to check if multiple cells ar...
=IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2, "*"&$D$2&"*"), COUNTIF(A2, "*"&$F$2&"*")), "Yes", "") The above formulas work well for 2 partial matches, but if you are searching for 3 or more, they would become too lengthy. In this case, it stands to reason to approach the task differently: ...
Public Function RE(OriText As String, ReRule As String, ReplaceYesOrNo As Boolean, Optional n As Integer = -1) 增加一个参数n,表示group,如0的时候取group1,1取group 2,依次类推。 修改代码 If ReplaceYesOrNo Then '如果使用替换方法,则将正则表达式匹配到的项替换为空 RE = .Replace(OriText, ...
1.用"SUBSTITUTE"先将“迟到”和“分钟”替换“”,这是下个函数需要的前奏 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1...
The function we will use is SEARCH. This function will return the position of the text inside the cell, if it is present. =SEARCH("CB2 ",A2) You have to be careful when testing for partial matches. And in this example a space is added after CB2 in the string to search for. This ...
(xCell.Value) If xMatches.Count = 0 Then GoTo xBreak For Each xMatch In xMatches xArr = Split(xMatch, ".") For I = 0 To UBound(xArr) xArr(I) = Right("000" & xArr(I), 3) If I <> UBound(xArr) Then xArr(I) = xArr(I) & "." End If Next Next xCell.Value = Join(...
To average cells based on a partial match, you can use the AVERAGEIF function along with wildcard characters (* and ?) in Microsoft Excel or WPS Office Spreadsheet. Wildcards allow you to match text patterns rather than exact matches, making it possible to perform partial matching for data ...
fi = oMatches(0).firstindex '汉字位置 subs = Left(sText, fi) '汉字前面的内容 Debug.Print subs End If End With Set oRegExp = Nothing Set oMatches = NothingEnd Sub以上利用正则表达式
All matches N/A Boolean value False Whether to find/replace text in all the matching cells found or in the first matching cell only Text to find No Text value The text to find in the worksheet Text to replace with No Text value The text used to replace the matching cells Match case ...
1.新建一个空白工作簿,在工作表界面按下组合快捷键Alt+F11或者右键单击任意一个工作表标签,在弹出的右键快捷菜单单击“查看代码”进入VBA编辑环境,如下图所示:2.在“代码窗口“中复制粘贴以下代码:Sub RegTest()'定义正则表达式对象 Dim oRegExp As Object '定义匹配字符串集合对象 Dim oMatches ...