Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring). Return value: This formula returns a logical value. If the cell contains the substring, the formula returns TRUE, or it returns FALSE. ...
In this article we will demonstrate how to use VBA code to clear the contents of a cell if it contains various content, such as a numeric value, date, text, specific value, or blank and conditional formatting. Example 1 – Clear Contents If Cell Contains Numeric Value To clear cells if ...
We have a table that contains student information and their grades. We will check if a cell contains specific text. Method 1 – Using the IF Function to Check If a Cell Contains an Exact Text in Excel TheGradecolumn hasPassedorFailedin every cell. We will check whether a cell containsPass...
In this article, we will learn how to know if a range contains specific text or not.For instance, you have a large list of data and you need to find the presence of substrings in a range using excel functions. For this article we will need to use 2 functions:...
IF(ISNUMBER(cell),value_to_return, "") The following formula returns "yes" in column B if a corresponding cell in column A contains any number: =IF(ISNUMBER(A2), "Yes", "") If cell contains specific text Finding cells containing certain text (or numbers or dates) is easy. You write...
To count cells that begin with certain text: =COUNTIF(A2:A10, D1&"*") To count cells with certain text anywhere in them: =COUNTIF(A2:A10, "*"&D1&"*") The screenshot below shows the results: Count cells that contain specific text (case-sensitive) ...
Part 5: How to Write an Excel IF Statement with Text Finding Specific Text To check if a cell contains a specific text, you can use the following fomular =IF(A1=”Pass”,”Found”,”Not Found”) Finding Exact Text If you need a precise text match in Excel, you may use the IF and...
=IF(ISTEXT(A2), "Yes", "") Result Since the A2 cell contains text, the formula will return "Yes" to the output cell. Example 3: If Cell Contains Specific Text, Then Return a Value This formula returns "Yes" if the A2 cell contains the specific text "example." ...
Explanation: the formula in cell C3 returns FALSE now. Cell A3 does not contain the word "donkey" but contains the word "Donkey". 5. Add theIF function. The formula below (case-insensitive) returns "Found" if a cell contains specific text, and "Not Found" if not. ...
Check If A Cell Contains A Specific Text Here the tutorial provides some formulas to check if a cell contains a specific text and return TRUE and FALSE as below screenshot shown, and explains the arguments and how the formulas works.