Excel IF语句是一种逻辑函数,用于根据给定条件的真假来执行不同的操作。当需要根据某个单元格中的内容来进行判断并输出不同的结果时,可以使用"if cell contains"多个输出选项。 具体的语法格式如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词", A1)), "输出选项1", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词2...
6 //创建新的工作表OleDbCommand cmd = myCon.CreateCommand();//创建工作表命令 string sheetName1 = "刀具预估数量"; if (tableName.Contains(sheetName1)) { cmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE 刀具预估数量"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();// 执行创建sheet的语句 } cmd.CommandText = "CREATE...
/** * 自动复制单元格合并 */ class MyExcelHandler extends AbstractMergeStrategy { protected void merge(Sheet sheet, Cell cell, Head head, Integer relativeRowIndex) { if(relativeRowIndex==null ||relativeRowIndex==0){ return; } int rowIndex = cell.getRowIndex(); ...
For example, to return "Not blank" in column B if column A's cell in the same row contains any value, you enter the following formula in B2, and then double click the small green square in the lower-right corner to copy the formula down the column: =IF(A2<>"", "Not blank", "...
How to Highlight a Row If Any Cell of the Row Contains a Specific Value in Excel Case 1 – The Cell Contains a Specific Text We’ll highlight the rows that contain a specific employee name, department, or designation based on a dynamic choice of selection by the user. We’ll create ...
How To Create And Use The “If Cell Contains” Formula In Excel? Step 1:Open the Excel file that contains the addresses. Step 2:Identify the column (e.g., column A) that contains the addresses you want to test. Step 3:Select the cell in column B next to the first address you want...
How to Select Row in Excel If Cell Contains Specific Data: 4 Simple Ways For demonstration, we have a dataset of the Owners of different books. Method 1 – Utilize the Filter Feature to Select a Row Based on Specific Data in Excel Select the entire dataset and go to Home, then to Edit...
HSSFCell cell2=row2.createCell(i);//加载单元格样式cell2.setCellStyle(colStyle); cell2.setCellValue(titles[i]); }//4.操作单元格;将用户列表写入excelif(userList !=null) {for(intj=0;j<userList.size();j++) {//创建数据行,前面有两行,头标题行和列标题行HSSFRow row3 = sheet.createRow(...
首先RIGHT(A2,ROW($1:$50)这个函数就构成数组函数,从A2单元格向右提取1个字符、2个字符…一直到第50个字符,返回值为;、心;、铭心;骨铭心;…当初有些事,让我们刻骨铭心;。 然后VLOOKUP(',*',RIGHT(A2,ROW($1:$50)),1,)中第一个参数“,*”表示查找的条件是逗号和后面的字符,查找范围为right函数返回的...