B,N) 【A,B,N可以是指定的值或者某个单元格】 function test(A,B,N as long) dim i,j for i = 1 to 65536 if range("M" & i).value =A or range("M" & i).value =B then j= j +1 if N = j then test = range("A" & i).value exit for end if...
1、把上例中的 And 组合多个条件公式 =IF(AND(C2="女装",E2>=80,F2>800),"满足条件","不满足条件") 改为用 Or 组合,操作过程步骤,如图5所示: 2、操作过程步骤说明:选中 H2 单元格,把公式 =IF(OR(C2="女装",E2>=80,F2>800),"满足条件","不满足条件") 复制到 H2,按回车,则返回“满足条件”...
Function 会员等级(判断的单元格 As Range, 贵宾 As Integer, 高级 As Integer, 中级 As Integer)If 判断的单元格 >= 贵宾 Then 会员等级 = "贵宾"ElseIf 判断的单元格 >= 高级 Then 会员等级 = "高级"ElseIf 判断的单元格 >= 中级 Then 会员等级 = "中级"Else 会员等级 = "普通"End If End Functi...
1、ABS函数 函数名称:ABS主要功能:求出相应数字的绝对值。使用格式:ABS(number) 参数说明:number代表需要求绝对值的数值或引用的单元格。应用举例:如果在B2单元格中输入公式:=ABS(A2),则在A2单元格中无论输入正数(如100)还是负数(如-100),B2中均显示出正数(如100)。 特别提醒:如果...
range(目标区域地址),目标区域地址就是参数。这个函数是在循环中动态取得范围。Range("b" & i & ":h" & i)这个格式是对的。常用的格式就是 Range("a1", "b4").Select Range("a2:b4").Select
1. Can I Use The Range Function To Refer To Cells In Different Worksheets? You can use the Range function in VBA to refer to cells in different worksheets. However, it's important to be specific when doing so to avoid any ambiguity. If referring to a range in a worksheet that's not...
If Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) Then CountColor = 1 '如果是黄色,函数值等于1 Else CountColor = 0 End If End Function 统计指定颜色的单元格个数 '最后必须将结果赋值给函数名称 Function CountColor() Dim rng As Range ...
If Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) Then CountColor = 1 '如果是黄色,函数值等于1 Else CountColor = 0 End If End Function 统计指定颜色的单元格个数 '最后必须将结果赋值给函数名称 Function CountColor() Dim rng As Range ...
However, if we use IFNA, we can instruct Excel to give us 0 instead of #N/A, as shown below: The formula used here is: Here, IFNA function tested the results of VLOOKUP function. VLOOKUP returned the #N/A error value as it couldn’t find Banana in the given lookup range. However...