=IF(判斷條件1,符合條件1傳回值,IF(判斷條件2,符合條件2回傳值,IF(判斷條件3,符合條件3回傳值,...) 巢狀IF看起來很複雜,其實不然。簡單來說,即在一個IF函數的回傳值中,再加入一個IF函數,可以在成立時回傳一個IF,也可以在不成立時回傳。 為了幫助大家更好理解,下面我將上方公式重新排版整理式,來解釋...
The condition is if the "Type 1" value for the Pokemon is "Grass".The function returns "Yes" or "No".Copy Values Example IF function, step by step:Select the cell D2 Type =IF Double click the IF commandSpecify the condition B2="Grass" Type , Specify the value "Yes" for when the...
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The OR function takes the place of the logical_test condition.Here, the IF function returns "Yes" or "No".Example OR function as the condition for IF function, step by step:...
IF函数的基本功能 IF函数是一个判断函数,其基本格式与功能如下。 IF函数格式:IF(判断条件,表达1,表达式2)功能:当条件为真(成立)时,执行表达1;当条件为假(不成立)时,执行表达式2举列:IF(5>3,"进阶君","小白")因为5>3成立,所以得到的结果是 进阶君。再如:IF(5<3,"进阶君","小白")因为5<3不成立,...
=IF(A1>B2, "TRUE", "FALSE") Arguments of IF Function The IF Formula in Excel accepts the following three arguments: Logical_test:It is the first and the mandatory argument. It helps us specify the condition to be tested or evaluated as either TRUE or FALSE. The specified condition can ...
Solution by using functions IF, OR Now, we examine the resultN. It occurs when the cellB2orC2is set toNOK. The formula will be: =IF(OR(B2=”NOK”,C2=”NOK”),”N”,”Y”) Notice that the combinationIFwithANDis a logical opposite of the functionIFwithOR. Reverse is also true,O...
You can achieve this in Excel using the IF function. Here’s how you can do it: Select the cell where you want the result to appear (let’s say D1). Enter the following formula: =IF(C1<>"", C1, "NONE") Press Enter. Drag the fill handle (a small square at the bottom-right ...
The IFERROR function checks if the input value is an error, it then returns this same value if there is no error...
I am trying to use the "OR" function in an "IF" function to check a condition on multiple cells. My formula looks like this=IF((OR(I5,N5,J5,O5)>7),"Greater than 7 MPa",IF((OR(I5,N5,J5,O5)<4),"Less than 4 MPa","")) It is always giving result "Greater than 7" despi...