Public Function GetCOMAddIn(Optional addInName As String) As COMAddIn Dim YYAddIn As COMAddIn If addInName = "" Then addInName = "YYSharedAddin" End If Dim addInItem As COMAddIn For Each addInItem In Application.COMAddIns If addInItem.Description = addInName Then Set YYAddIn = addInItem...
WithSheets("多条件查询").Range("A5:G10000").Clear '清除原数据 For i=1To7IfLen(.Cells(2,i).Value)<>0Then strSQL=strSQL&"AND "&.Cells(1,i).Value&" LIKE '%"&.Cells(2,i).Value&"%'"End If Next i End With MsgBox"准备查询"&Chr(13)&strSQL Set rst=cnn.Execute(strSQL)'cnn...
133.IF:判断一个条件是否满足:如果满足返回一个值,如果不满足则返回另外一个值。 格式:=if(测试条件,真值,假值) 134.IFERROR:如果公式的计算结果错误,则返回您指定的值;则返回公式的结果。 格式:=iferror(值,错误值) 值:要检测的值,检测值可以是一个单元格、公式、或者是一个单元格、公式,或数值的名称 ...
NORMSINV and NORMSDIST are related functions. If NORMSDIST(z) returns p, then NORMSINV(p) returns z. Create a blank Excel worksheet, copy the following table, select cell A1 in your blank Excel worksheet, and then paste the entries so that the table fills cells A1:C24 in your worksheet. ...
* It then logs those names to the console. */ function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) { // Create an array to hold the worksheet names. let worksheetNames = []; // Iterate over the worksheet collection in the workbook. for (let worksheet of workbook.getWorksheets()) { worksheet...
MsgBox "你将对第 " & col_in &" 列进行合并单元格" Application.DisplayAlerts = False For i = Cells(Rows.Count, col_in).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 If Cells(i, col_in).Value = Cells(i - 1, col_in).Value Then Cells(i - 1, col_in).Resize(2, 1).Merge ...
'新建工作表命名为汇总 For Each sh In Sheets: '遍历所有工作表 If sh.Name <> "汇总" Then '...
If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Rng) Then If Rng.Value < 0 Then Rng.Font.Color= -16776961 End If End If Next End Sub 'Translate By Tmtony 选择单元格区域并运行此代码。它将检查范围中的每个单元格,并突出显示您有负数的所有单元格。 18. 突出显示特定文本 ...
If the filter is on, when the template is invoked as an Open in Excel option, then a filter for the current record will be added to the workbook. The filter will be the key fields and their values.How can templates be defined in metadata and code and loaded automatically?
在IF语句中测试Null问题描述 投票:0回答:1我得到了以下子词:来自“JosieP”的Format cell based on formula value 我正在尝试测试Null单元格,因为如果遇到一个sub,则会失败。如果遇到空单元格,我想为单元格添加颜色 If IsNull(rCell) Then rCell.Interior.Color = 8不起作用,但也没有失败。 当存在空单元格...