Sub LinkChecks() Update by Extendoffice Dim xCB Dim xCChar i = 2 xCChar = "C" For Each xCB In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes If xCB.Value = 1 Then Cells(i, xCChar).Value = True Else Cells(i, xCChar).Value = False End If xCB.LinkedCell = Cells(i, xCChar).Address i = i + 1 Next ...
dRgs = xFindRg Else Set xFindRgs = Application.Union(xFindRgs, xFindRg) End If End If Next Next If Not xFindRgs Is Nothing Then xFindRgs.ClearContents End If Next If xBol Then MsgBox "Successfully deleted." Else MsgBox "No results found." End If End Sub Copy 请注意:在片段中xArr ...
格式:=DATEIF(开始日期,终止日期,比较单位) 比较单位:所需信息的返回类型(“Y”,“M”,“D”) 67.DATEVALUE:返回以字符串所表示的日期值所对应的序列号。 格式:=DATEVALUE(日期字符串)日期字符串:按WPS表格日期格式表示的字符串,应在1/1/1900到12/31/9999之间。 68.DAVERAGE:返回列表或数据库中满足指定条件...
getRows(5, 2); // start, length (>0, else undefined is returned) // Get the last editable row in a worksheet (or undefined if there are none) const row = worksheet.lastRow; // Set a specific row height row.height = 42.5; // make row hidden row.hidden = true; // set an ...
For i = 0 To 3000 If Playflag Then Sheet1.Cells(1, 3) = i / 10 Sheet1.WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.PLAY ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("图表1").Active [E9].Select DoEvents Else Sheet1.WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.stop Exit Sub End If ...
(case when "+tbColumn+" IS NULL or "+tbColumn+"='' or "+tbColumn+"='NULL' then 1 else 0 end) errorCounts from dbo."+tableName+") a;"else:sql="select errorCounts,total from (select count(*) total,sum(case when "+tbColumn+" IS NULL then 1 else 0 end) errorCounts from ...
If stmonf > endmonf Then years = years - 1 End If If stmonf = endmonf And stdayf > enddayf Then years = years - 1 End If ' Make sure that we are not returning a negative number and, if not, ' return the years. If years < 0 Then AgeFunc = "Invalid Date" Else AgeFunc ...
msg=TEXT-e02)).ELSEIFline_exists(lt_ymass_upload_db[id=<lfs_mat>-id ]).gt_alv=VALUE#(BASEgt_alv(status=icon_led_redid=<lfs_mat>-id description=<lfs_mat>-description quantity=<lfs_mat>-quantityunit=<lfs_mat>-unit msg=TEXT-e03)).ELSEIFline_exists(lt...
) .FunctionHelp("Return the value stored in base.") ); LPOPERX WINAPIxll_base_get(HANDLEX _h) { #pragmaXLLEXPORTstaticOPER result;//must be static since we are returning its addressxll::handleh(_h);if(h) { result = h->get(); }else{ result = ErrNA; }return&result; } For a...