02 IF函数与IS_BLANK函数相结合 在复制后的数据表格中,我们通过函数的方式来快速填充空白单元格。 在A2单元格中通过IF函数来判断当前所在单元格是否为空,如果为空,则返回空单元格的上一单元格的数据,如果不为空,则返回当前单元格的数据。完整的公式为:=IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!A2),A1,Sheet1!A2)。 ISBLANK函数仅...
Debug.PrintIfBlank(Sheet1.Range(“B3”)) ‘结果为False Debug.PrintIfBlank(Sheet1.Range(“C3”)) ‘结果为True Debug.PrintIfBlank(Sheet1.Range(“D3”)) ‘结果为True Debug.PrintIfBlank(Sheet1.Range(“E3”)) ‘结果为True End Sub FunctionIfBlank(ByRef rngCheck As Range) As Boolean IfBlan...
其实EXCEL用户平时很少用到 blank 这种空值!一般都是所见即所得,判断 if=""了! EXCEL的真正空值是 blank 只能用=isblank() 来判断 > 只有下面2种情况EXCEL里 isblank() 返回为true 1 单元格确实没内容 ,用isblank()判断为true 2 EXCEL的内置函数一般不能返回空值,但是用函数缺省的办法,可以返回 blank 比如isb...
=IF(ISBLANK(A1),"Blank","Non-Blank") Now let’s understand this formula. In the first part where we have the ISBLANK which checks if the cells are blank or not. And, after that, if the value returned by the ISBLANK is TRUE, IF will return “Blank”, and if the value returned by...
Concatenating but having small error I am trying to concatenate date into from 10 columns into 3. The code that I have to concatenate columns K to Q are as follows =IF(ISBLANK(L576),TEXT(K576,"dd/mm/yy"),TEXT(K576,"DD/MM/YY")&" - "&TEXT(L576,"DD/MM/YY")) =IF(ISBLANK(N...
.Intersect(InputRng, Application.ActiveSheet.UsedRange) For Each Rng In InputRng If Not Rng.Value = "" Then If OutRng Is Nothing Then Set OutRng = Rng Else Set OutRng = Application.Union(OutRng, Rng) End If End If Next If Not (OutRng Is Nothing) Then OutRng.Select End If End ...
1. 前言: 相信很多学习EXCEL的同伴都会时常将一句话挂在嘴边: “请老师教我下这个公式怎么写?” ...
1. The IF function below returns Yes if the input value is equal to an empty string (two double quotes with nothing in between), else it returns No. Note: if the input cell contains a space, it looks blank. However, if this is the case, the input value is not equal to an empty...
If cell B4 is blank, then the formula returns the product name Apple, otherwise a blank. Press ENTER and drag down the Fill Handle. A list of names of products without ids is returned. Read More: How to Skip a Column When Selecting in Excel Method 3 – Using the IFS Function Here, ...