点击“Visual Basic”按钮打开VBE开发环境在“VBAProject”根目录上右键点击【插入】【模块】添加一个新的模块复制下面代码,粘贴到代码编辑区域,并点击“保存”Function SUMCOLOR(number As Range, color As Range) As Double Dim rng As Range, result As Double For Each rng In number If rng.Interior.ColorIn...
编写按颜色求和的代码:在模块1输入如下代码:Function YS(颜色 As Range, 区域 As Range)Dim x As Range s = 颜色.Interior.Color For Each x In 区域 If x.Interior.Color = s Then n = n + x.Value End If Next YS = n End Function 2.1输入自定义公式:在C10单元格输入刚刚的自定义公式“=YS...
If rng.Interior.ColorIndex = col.Interior.ColorIndex Then SumColor = Application.Sum(rng) + SumColor End If Next rng End Function 这样的话,我们单元格里面输入公式:=SumColor(B2:D14,B3)我们用代码自定义了一个求和函数,第一个参数是求和区域,第二个参数是求和的颜色参照单元格 VBA代码的方法,当...
选中”7月3日“前面的单元格,插入-名称-定义-输入”color“-引用位置输入”=GET.CELL(38,B3)(这里的B3为“7月3日”单元格所在位置“)确认保存 A3=IF(COLOR=4,"返料","")颜色代码见下图:
= colorName Then ColorValue = colorDict(dictKey) Exit For End If ColorValue = RGB(255, 255, 255) '如果没有则为白色 Next ColorByName = ColorValue End If End Function这里有个对工作表是否存在的判断,可以单独列出来作为一个自定义函数来用,另外,加入字典的颜色以“整理...
I don't know how to code in VBA but am trying to automate an if/then calculation based on cell color. So I have many cells that are filled in with the...
EachRgIn求和区域SelectCase颜色类型Case"填充"Bol = (Rg.Interior.Color = 参考单元格.Interior.Color)Case"字体"Bol = (Rg.Font.Color = 参考单元格.Font.Color)CaseElse按颜色求和 ="第三参数出错,请检查确认"ExitFunctionEndSelectIfBolThenTotal = Total + Rg.ValueEndIfNext按颜色求和 = TotalEndFunction...
If icell.Interior.ColorIndex = col.Interior.ColorIndex Then SumColor = Application.Sum(icell) + SumColor End If Next icell End Function 解析:SumColor是自定义的函数名称,里面包括两个参数,第一参数col是要获取颜色的单元格,第二参数sumrange是求和区域。(这里相当于我们自己创建一个函数SumColor,并且...
03 = 3: mRow_04 = 30 mCol_01 = 1: mCol_02 = 4: mCol_03 = 19: mCol_04 = 23 Call Back_None '先取消全部单元格的背景 mRow = Target.Row '获取当前单元格的行编号 '根据第一个数据区域的关键值查找第二个区域的相关行,并设置背景便于检查 If Target.Row >...