=IF(A1="","是","否")VBA表示某单元格为空,可用“Empty”,如:If range("A1")=empty then
' 检查单元格是否为空 If IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then result(r, c) = ""' 检查单元格是否是负数 ElseIf IsNumeric(cell.Value) And cell.Value < 0 Then result(r, c) = 0 Else result(r, c) = cell.Value End If Next c Next r ' 返回结果数组 TH = result End Function 保存代码,返回Exce...
Sub FillEmptyBlankCellWithValue() Dim cell As Range Dim InputValue As String On Error Resume Next InputValue = InputBox("Enter value that will fill empty cells in selection", _ "Fill Empty Cells") For Each cell In Selection If IsEmpty(cell) Then cell.Value = InputValue End If Next End...
IfISEMPTY(Cell.Value)ANDLen(Cell.formula)>0then 每个对用户定义函数的调用以及每次将数据从 Excel 传输到 VBA 都会产生时间开销。 有时,一个多单元格数组公式用户定义函数可通过将多个函数调用合并为一个具有多单元格输入区域且返回结果区域的函数,来帮助用户最大程度地减少这些开销。
If ISEMPTY(Cell.Value) AND Len(Cell.formula)>0 then There is a time overhead for each call to a user-defined function and for each transfer of data from Excel to VBA. Sometimes one multi-cell array formula user-defined function can help you minimize these overheads by combining multiple ...
Exclusions = Array("Setup", "Combined", "Summary", "Drop Down Menus")
不支持XLOOKUP函数的旧版EXCEL可以通过IF、COLUMN、MAX(MIN)以及INDEX函数组成数组公式实现。①首次记录 =...
的单元格范围 For Each cell In rng If cell.Value = "" Then ' 判断单元格是否为空白 ' 处理空白单元格的代码 ' 跳过空白单元格:Exit For ' 填充默认值:cell.Value = "默认值" ' 报错提示:Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1001, , "空白单元格错误" Else ' 处理非空白单元格的代码 End If Next cell...
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) Then Cells(i, 1).FormulaR1C1 = Cells(i - 1, 1).Value End If Next End Sub 2、筛选出空白行,输入公式=INDIRECT(a&ROW()-1),填充 制订下月计划并显示为中文 我在五月份做六月份的计划,为减少工作量和更改的麻烦,我做模板并使用了公式=计划期:&YEAR(NOW())&年&(...
Use COUNTIFS if we want to use multiple criteria. Steps: Enter the COUNTIF function. The range is B5:B10 and compared with blank. If blanks are found, then show TRUE; otherwise, FALSE. The formula is: =COUNTIF(B5:B10,"") Press Enter. Only one cell is empty, and the result is sho...