Home»莫非工具»Excel»【Excel Function】IF、IFS、SWITCH 條件判斷,搭配使用 AND、OR、NOT 今天介紹 Excel 的基本判斷函數IF,條件判斷在 Excel 中可說是非常實用。 依照不同情況,可以搭配AND、OR、NOT一起使用,它們分別有「且」、「或」、「非」的概念。這些邏輯判斷是寫程式的基礎語言之一,所以對寫程式(...
=IF(C2>=90, "Excellent", IF(C2>=80, "Good", IF(C2>=60, "Medium", "Poor")))上述公式的解釋:IF(check if C2>=90, if true - returns "Excellent", or else IF(check if C2>=80, if true - returns "Good", or else IF(check if C2>=60, if true - returns "Medium", if false...
if else 是很多程式語必學的邏輯運式,用來表達就某特定條件 True or False 的運算。本文與大家分享 Excel if else 用法,並以實作例子加以說明其使用,還未學懂的,今次就可學懂!
IF 條件陳述 5781 播放 草头十二年 小白学习进阶 下载
FunctionuLOOKUP(lookup_valueAsVariant, lookup_arrayAsRange, _ col_numAsVariant, sortedAsVariant, _ NotFoundAsVariant)DimvAnsaAsVariant vAnsa = Application.VLookup(lookup_value, lookup_array, _ col_num, sorted)IfNotIsError(vAnsa)ThenuLOOKUP = vAnsaElseuLOOKUP = NotFoundEndIfEndFunctio...
Split(Source, " ") xCount = UBound(arr) If xCount < 1 Or (Position - 1) > xCount Or Position < 0 Then FindWord = "" Else FindWord = arr(Position - 1) End If End Function Copy3。 按 其他 + Q 關閉鍵 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。
57、delDate, DateRa nge, 0)If IsError(r) The nDisp lay a message if the model date is not foundMsgBox Ca nnot find a model with the date & ModelDate ElseIf the model date is foun d, load the model into Solver,solve the model, and kee p the final results.SolverLoad LoadArea:=...
#If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function getFrequency Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "QueryPerformanceFrequency" (cyFrequency As Currency) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function getTickCount Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "QueryPerformanceCounter" (cyTickCount As Currency) As Long #ElsePrivateDec...
條件判斷Excel常用函數If函數範例 條件判斷Excel常用函數If函數範例 用法:根據條件判斷要執行的工作,並顯示True或False 語法:IF(條件判斷式,True敘述,False敘述)
else if (fileName.IndexOf(".xls") > 0) // 2003版本 workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); if (sheetName != null) { sheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) //如果没有找到指定的sheetName对应的sheet,则尝试获取第一个sheet ...