This formula returns "Yes" if the target A2 cell contains text. Formula =IF(ISTEXT(A2), "Yes", "") Result Since the A2 cell contains text, the formula will return "Yes" to the output cell. Example 3: If Cell Contains Specific Text, Then Return a Value This formula returns "Yes" i...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"subject":"Re: EXCEL: \"If cell contains specific letter using LEFT formula then return specific text\"","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:7843...
Finding Specific Text To check if a cell contains a specific text, you can use the following fomular =IF(A1=”Pass”,”Found”,”Not Found”) Finding Exact Text If you need a precise text match in Excel, you may use the IF and precise functions to achieve your goal. Here is an exa...
True and False Results: In this example if a range contains a specific value the VBA code will return a value of "In Range". If a range does not contain a specific value the VBA code will return a value of "Not in Range". Both of these values can be changed to whatever value you...
Information: Returns TRUE if the number is even ISFORMULA function Information: Returns TRUE if there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula ISLOGICAL function Information: Returns TRUE if the value is a logical value ISNA function Information: Returns TRUE if the value is the #...
Address value contains the sheet reference (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B4"). addressLocal Represents the range reference for the specified range in the language of the user. cellCount Specifies the number of cells in the range. This API will return -1 if the cell count exceeds 2^31-1 (2,147...
32. Write an excel formula to return [value1] if [cell1] does not contain [text], and [value2] otherwise. 编写一个Excel公式,如果[单元格1]不包含[文本],返回[值1],否则返回[值2]。 33. Write an excel formula to return [value1] if [cell1] is between [x] and [y], and [value2...
What to do To avoid losing specific cell formats that you want to keep available in Excel 97-2003, you can remove some cell formats that are not as important to keep. This workbook contains more unique font formats than are supported in the selected file format. Some font for...
Populating cells if another cell contains a text value... Popup message when opening .xls file in Excel 2007: "Some Text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded". Power Pivot adding new rows to existing table Power Pivot drillthrough limited ...
In addition, I add a using statement to the System.Data.OleDb namespace, which contains classes that can be used to connect to, access, and manipulate OLE DB data sources, including Excel spreadsheets. I also add a using statement to the System.Data namespace so I can easily instantiate ...