接下来,我们需要找到表头对应的列索引,代码如下: RowheaderRow=sheet.getRow(0);intcolumnIndex=-1;for(Cellcell:headerRow){if(cell.getStringCellValue().equals("表头名称")){columnIndex=cell.getColumnIndex();break;}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. 读取指定行的数据 然后,我们可以根据行号来...
// 导入Apache POI库importorg.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;// 读取Excel文件Workbookwb1=WorkbookFactory.create(newFile("file1.xlsx"));Workbookwb2=WorkbookFactory.create(newFile("file2.xlsx"));// 获取第一个工作表Sheetsheet1=wb1.getSheetAt(0);Sheetsheet2=wb2.getSheetAt(0);// 比对两个Excel表...
cellValue =newDecimalFormat("###.###").format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; caseHSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: // 导入时如果为公式生成的数据则无值 if(!cell.getStringCellValue().equals("")) { cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue(); }else{ cellValue = cell.getNumericCellValue()...
Map<String, String> map2 =newLinkedHashMap<>();//循环工作表行for(Row row1 : sheetAt1) {//获取工作表列值String stringCellValue = row1.getCell(0).getStringCellValue();//设置string类型初始阈值map1.put("bz", 0.0);//循环需要比较的工作表列值for(Row row2 : sheetAt2) {//获取工作表...
Using the Excel IFS function is easy and simple. First, select the cell where you want the result to show up. Then, type the IFS formula in that cell, following the pattern we mentioned earlier. You need to replace "value_if_true1," "value_if_true2," and so on, with the values ...
getName().equals("colName")) { 236 superField.set(sheetBean, excelColName); 237 } 238 } 239 // 判断属性类型 240 if (matchedColFields[i].getType().isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) { 241 matchedColFields[i].set(sheetBean, Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(cell))); 242 243 } else if ...
1. public String getCellStringValue(HSSFCell cell) 2. String cellValue 10、 = ; 3. switch (cell.getCellType() 4. case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:/字符串类型 5. cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue(); 6. if(cellValue.trim().equals()|cellValue.trim().length()=0) 7. cellValue= ...
This particular rule instructs Excel to apply a format (red text) to a cell if the cell value is less than zero. For more information about conditional formatting, see Add, change, find, or clear conditional formats. Top of Page Examples of calculating percentages This section shows sever...
Step 1:The first step is to call the MAXIFS function, click on an empty cell and enter the MAXIFS function: “=MAXIFS(“. Remember to use the Equals sign. Excel MAXIFS function Step 2:Next we will be selecting the max_range for our function. In our example, we will be selecting the...