you will use the IF function to do a logical test, and return one value when the condition is met (cell contains) and/or another value when the condition is not met (cell does not contain). The below examples cover the most frequent scenarios...
Drag the Fill Handle to cell C13. You will notice that the range of cell C5:C13 returned TRUE or FALSE based on whether there is text in each cell in the range of cell B5:B13. Method 8 – Embed VBA to Return TRUE If Cell Contains Exact Text Steps: We have the text value in cel...
Method 3 – Two Way Lookup with INDEX MATCH Functions If a Cell Contains a Text Here we have a dataset (B4:E9) of different student names with their different subject marks. We are going to extract all the subject marks of Rob in cellC12:E12and have listed Rob’s name in a specific ...
5.Introduce theIF function. If a cell contains particular text, the following formula (which is case-insensitive) yields Found, else it returns Not Found. Why cell C2's formula becomes =IF(COUNTIF(A2,*store*),Found”, “Not Found). A series of zero or more characters is identified ...
=IF(A2<>", "No," "") Result The formula will return "No" in the output cell if the A2 cell is not blank. If it's blank, the output cell will remain blank. Example 2: If Cell Contains Text/Number, Then Return a Value (Check for Text) ...
Here you want to check if cell B4 contains the text in C4, use below formula =ISNUMBER(FIND(C4,B4)) PressEnterkey to check. Explanation FINDfunction: the FIND function gets the location of the first character of the find_text in the within_text, if it does not find the find_text, ...
The ISNUMBER function returns TRUE when a cell contains a number, and FALSE if not. More articles: Check If Cell Equals Any Value In List For example, I have a list of text strings in column A, and now, I want to check if cell value in this column equals any value in another list...
VlookUp to Check If Cell Contains Text from a List: We can use VlookUp function to match the text in the Given list of Cells. And return the corresponding values. Check if a List Contains Text: =IF(ISERR(VLOOKUP(F1,A1:B21,2,FALSE)),”False:Not Contains”,”True: Text Found”) ...
If your file has a dimension attribute that points to a single cell (such as<dimension ref="A1" />), Power Query uses this attribute to find the starting row and column of the data on the sheet. However, if your file has a dimension attribute that points to multiple cells (such as<...
in Excel to test if a cell is text.How to use the ISTEXT FunctionThe ISTEXT Function tests if the cell contents are text. If the cell contains text the function returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.=ISTEXT(A2)Numbers Stored as TextWhen...