The "If Cell Contains" formula in Excel is a logical function used to check whether a specific cell contains a value of interest. This value could be any text or number, specific text, or simply checking if the cell is not empty. The formula typically employs the IF function to perform ...
Set Cell = Range("C12").Cells(1, 1) ⧪ Step 2 – Checking If the Cell Contains a Value (Including a Particular Value) Use the following code: If Cell.Value <> "" Then This code will be executed if the cell contains any value. To check for a value (For example, whether it ...
For example, to return "Not blank" in column B if column A's cell in the same row contains any value, you enter the following formula in B2, and then double click the small green square in the lower-right corner to copy the formula down the column: =IF(A2<>"", "Not blank", "...
In this article we will demonstrate how to use VBA code to clear the contents of a cell if it contains various content, such as a numeric value, date, text, specific value, or blank and conditional formatting. Example 1 – Clear Contents If Cell Contains Numeric Value To clear cells if ...
Excel IF语句是一种逻辑函数,用于根据给定条件的真假来执行不同的操作。当需要根据某个单元格中的内容来进行判断并输出不同的结果时,可以使用"if cell contains"多个输出选项。 具体的语法格式如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词", A1)), "输出选项1", IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词2",...
To do this, we would use the conditional formatting rule shown below, which tells Excel, "If any cells between cells C3 and C14 contain a value of less than 100, then change that cell's background color to light yellow." Before we continue, it's important to understand the three key...
For a cell that looks blank, but in fact is not, an ISBLANK formula returns FALSE. This behavior occurs if a cell contains any of the following: Formula that returns an empty string like IF(A1<>"", A1, ""). Zero-length string imported from an external database or resulted from a ...
1.Forexample, if you need to see if a specific word is contained in a cell or range of cells, you could use the following formula: =IF(A3=Hello, Found!, Not Found) This formula would return Found! if A3 contains the word Hello, and Not Found otherwise. ...
Text: the cell reference or text string you want to check if contains number. Return value: This formula returns logical value, FALSE: the cell does not contain number; TRUE:the cell contains number. How this formula work For instance, you want to check if the cell B3 contains number, ...
The ISNUMBER function returns TRUE when a cell contains a number, and FALSE if not. More articles: Check If Cell Equals Any Value In List For example, I have a list of text strings in column A, and now, I want to check if cell value in this column equals any value in another list...