How to create an excel formula with IF along with AND and multiple OR conditions 我正在寻找用两张纸上的AND和多个OR条件创建IF语句的方法。基本上,Excel要做的第一件事是检查单元格值是否为空的A列。然后,一旦确定,就应该检查B,C,D列中是否有值。如果这三列中的任何一列都有值,请设置为True。并且如...
=IF(OR(判斷條件1,判斷條件2),條件成立傳回值,條件不成立傳回值) 這題和上個範例十分相似,只是把AND的判斷方式變成OR,一樣使用回傳結果當作IF函數中當作判斷的邏輯,達到組合的目的。 以第二列資料為例:小非的測驗未及格,但是複測大於等於 60 分,所以OR會回傳 TRUE。接著IF判斷OR的回傳值-TRUE 認定符合...
=IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do something else) But what if you need to test multiple conditions, where let’s say all conditions need to be True or False (AND), or only one condition needs to be True or False (OR), or if you want...
To evaluate two or more conditions and return one result if any of the conditions is TRUE, and another result if all the conditions are FALSE, embed the OR function in the logical test of IF: IF(OR(condition1,condition2,...), value_if_true, value_if_false) In plain English, the fo...
The avoid this, you should use a nested IF function: =IF(A2<>0, IF((1/A2)>0.5, "Good", "Bad"), "Bad") For more information, please seeIF AND formula in Excel. Excel IF function with multiple conditions (OR logic) To do one thing ifany conditionis met, otherwise do something ...
I am able to retrieve data from D2 and E2 but I also want to have the same data included with D3 and E3 also. Is it possible to get multiple "date" data...
This formula has several variations, depending on the precise values you want to find, allowing for various tasks likesearching with partial matchesor testing multiple criteria with OR and AND logic. How To Create And Use The “If Cell Contains” Formula In Excel?
Simplify testing for multiple conditions with AND: =IF(AND(B4>20000,C4>0.5),0.02*B4,0) If you likeAND, you might find a use forORandNOT.=OR(Test,Test,Test,Test)is True if any one of the logical tests are True.NOTreverses an answer, so=NOT(True)is False, and =NOT(False)is Tr...
Multiple IF conditions using AND, OR, NOT Data: Row A B C D E 1 Acquisition CALL Joheen -3,000.00 3,000.00 2 Buy CALL Cure -5,266.50 5,266.50 3 Buy Afterburn -619.50 Formula not working: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Acquisition",$A1))*OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Buy",$A1)))*NOT(ISNUMBER(SEAR...
=IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, logical_test2, value_if_true2) The function evaluates Excel IFS multiple conditions one by one, and when it finds the first true condition, it returns the corresponding value_if_true. If none of the logical tests are true, it returns the value_if_fal...