1、把上例中的多 if 嵌套公式 =IF(C2="女装",IF(E2>=80,IF(F2>800,"满足条件","不满足条件"),"不满足条件"),"不满足条件") 改为用 And 组合,操作过程步骤,如图3所示: 2、操作过程步骤说明:选中 H2 单元格,把公式 =IF(AND(C2="女装",E2>=80,F2>800),"满足条件","不满足条件") 复制到 H...
算式系 (rand()*0.18) + 0.21。 即系话,你要数字由 a..b,算式系 rand()* (b-a) + a 你要的四组数字自己算一算。 至于你要 A=10,可以由if,句式系 If (A=10 R1 R2) 当a=10时,回传R1,否则回传R2。 R1则是先前讨论的算式。rand()0.18+0.21。 再加一个condition A...
=IF(判斷條件1,符合條件1傳回值,IF(判斷條件2,符合條件2回傳值,IF(判斷條件3,符合條件3回傳值,...) 巢狀IF看起來很複雜,其實不然。簡單來說,即在一個IF函數的回傳值中,再加入一個IF函數,可以在成立時回傳一個IF,也可以在不成立時回傳。 為了幫助大家更好理解,下面我將上方公式重新排版整理式,來解釋...
=IF(AND(B2=”OK”,C2=”OK”),”Y”,”N”) The parametersOK,YandNare text strings so they have to be in the quotation marks. FunctionANDreturns onlyTRUE/FALSEvalue. –If all of the logical tests in theANDfunction areTRUE, the result isTRUE. ...
Excel中IF函数如何同时设置两个满足的条件,即满足任意一个即为Ture? 用法:把下面代码放进vba模块中,然后在某个单元格里面输入公式=test(A,B,N) 【A,B,N可以是指定的值或者某个单元格】 function test(A,B,N as long) dim i,j for i = 1 to 65536 if range("M" & i)....
AMORLINC function Financial: Returns the depreciation for each accounting period AND function Logical: Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE ARABIC function Math and trigonometry: Converts a Roman number to Arabic, as a number AREAS function Lookup and reference: Returns the number of...
Part 1. What is Excel IF Function and And Formula? IF Function The IF function in Excel is widely used for making logical comparisons between a value and an expected result. It offers two possible outcomes based on the comparison: one when the condition is True, and another when it's Fal...
=IF(判断条件, 真值, 假值) =IF(AND(条件1, 条件2), 真值, 假值) =IF(OR(条件1, 条件2), 真值, 假值) 例子 计算统计函数 求最值 MAX MIN MAX:求某区域中的最大值; MIN:求某区域中的最小值。 求数目 COUNT COUNTIF COUNTIFS COUNT:计数。
The IF function is typed =IF and has 3 parts:=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The AND function takes the place of the logical_test condition.Here, the IF function returns "Yes" or "No".Example AND function as the condition for IF function, step by step:...