On the other hand, the AND formula, as part of the logical functions in Excel, serves to verify if all conditions in a test are True. It returns True only when all the specified conditions evaluate to True, providing a simple and effective way to perform multiple logical tests at once. ...
=AVERAGE(A1:A10) 3.3 IF函数 (IF Function) IF函数用于根据条件返回不同的值。其语法为: =IF(条件, 值_if_true, 值_if_false) 例如,判断A1是否大于10,如果是,则返回“合格”,否则返回“不合格”: =IF(A1 > 10,"合格","不合格") 3.4 VLOOKUP函数 (VLOOKUP Function) VLOOKUP函数用于在数据表中查找...
所以如果公式能进入第二层IF函数,表明了C4 < 80%为FALSE,即C4 >= 80%,所以在第二层IF函数的判...
5.IF:基于特定条件返回不同的结果 示例:假设C1单元格是员工的销售额,你想判断销售额是否达到1000,达到就显示“达标”,没达到就显示“未达标”,用=IF(C1>=1000,'达标','未达标'),结果立马就出来了。 6.AND, OR:结合多个条件使用 示例:还是C1单元格的销售额,你想判断销售额是否大于800且小于1200,用=AND(C...
UsingIFandANDtogether in one formula looks tricky, but it's actually quite simple. The IF statement will output the dollar amount (C2) if theANDstatement is true, or FALSE if it isn't. TheANDstatement checks whether the category is "DiningOut" and the transaction is greater than $20. ...
Excel IF and OR Formula Help I tried on my own but I have confused myself. Trying to write excel formulas for all same spreadsheet parameters: 1. "if" column H is blank then pull data from column G or column I (which ever one ...Show More Formulas and Functions Reply View Full Dis...
6. IF The “IF” function in Excel is a fundamental logical formula that allows you to perform conditional calculations based on specified criteria. It is a versatile tool for making decisions and performing different calculations depending on whether a given condition is met or not. The basic ...
So, you use the OR function to check both conditions, and if the result is TRUE, decrease the total amount by 10% (B2*C2*0.9), otherwise return the full price (B2*C2): =IF(OR(B2>=10, C2>=5), B2*C2*0.9, B2*C2) Additionally, you could use the below formula to explicitly ind...
IF AND formula in Excel Excel IF OR function with formula examples If error in Excel Starting from Excel 2007, we have a special function, namedIFERROR, to check formulas for errors. In Excel 2013 and higher, there is also theIFNAfunction to handle #N/A errors. ...